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Beach speaker help

Captain Cody

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How can i make it so on command I can set the volume and with another command set the distance? And If it wouldnt hurt how would I make it so I can change radio station on command "/setstationbeach 1, 2,3 or 4

addEventHandler( 'onClientResourceStart', resourceRoot, 
    function( ) 
        local uSound = playSound3D( 'http://www.181.fm/asx.php?station=181-eagle', 484.724609375, -1830.3310546875, 5.415961265564)  
        setSoundMaxDistance( uSound, 110 ) 

the wiki atricals I found I couldn't find a think on how to do this

And if its too much Im mostly trying to find out how to change the station

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addEventHandler( 'onClientResourceStart', resourceRoot, 
    function( ) 
        uSound = playSound3D( 'http://www.181.fm/asx.php?station=181-eagle', 484.724609375, -1830.3310546875, 5.415961265564) 
        setSoundMaxDistance( uSound, 110 ) 
addCommandHandler("setsoundistance", function(command, distance) 
      local distance = tonumber(distance) 
      if not tonumber(tostring(distance)) then return end 
      if uSound then 
       setSoundMaxDistance(uSound, tonumber(tostring(distance))       

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addEventHandler( 'onClientResourceStart', resourceRoot, 
    function( ) 
        uSound = playSound3D( 'http://www.181.fm/asx.php?station=181-eagle', 484.724609375, -1830.3310546875, 5.415961265564) 
        setSoundMaxDistance( uSound, 110 ) 
addCommandHandler("setsoundistance", function(command, distance) 
      local distance = tonumber(distance) 
      if not tonumber(tostring(distance)) then return end 
      if uSound then 
       setSoundMaxDistance(uSound, tonumber(tostring(distance))       
addCommandHandler("setsound", function(command, soundURL) 
     if uSound then stopSound(uSound) end 
     backup = uSound 
     uSound = nil 
     uSound = playSound3D(tostring(soundURL), 484.724609375, -1830.3310546875, 5.415961265564) 
      if uSound then 
       backup = nil 
       outputChatBox('Sound was successfully changed!') 
      uSound = nil 
      uSound = backup 
      backup = nil 

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What I mean is there anyway to do it from a list of urls that I set in the lua file?

1. Make a GUI using something like GUIEditor.

2. Create a table looking something like this,

urls = { 

3. Get the data from that table,

for index, data in ipairs(urls) do 
   url = data[1] 
   -- Do something with that data, ex. 
   outputChatBox(data[1]) -- Outputs the url into the chatbox (not needed). 

4. Set that data into a gridlist or something of your choice using something like this,


Should turn into something like this (not tested, only an example)

window = guiCreateWindow(0, 0, 0, 0, "Example", false) 
gridlist = guiCreateGridList(0, 0, 0, 0, false, window) 
column = guiGridListAddColumn(gridlist, "URLs", 1) 
urls = { 
for index, data in ipairs(urls) do 
    local row = guiGridListAddRow(gridlist) 
    guiGridListSetItemText(gridlist, row, column, index, false, false) 

And then ofcourse you would have to get that URL from the gridlist and play it using playSound or playSound3D.

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The help was solved, I made it yesterday.

I think cody should've posted it here.

What I mean is there anyway to do it from a list of urls that I set in the lua file?

You posted a code where you could choose an URL directly from the command. I posted a little guide how

to do it with a GUI and a table.

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@Anubav: You don't need to use tostring if you're converting it into a number.

(facepalm). What if a player did: /setsoundistance "5"


Then it still will be a nil.

outputChatBox  = outputChatBox or print -- For lua demo utility. 

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