Anubhav Posted October 5, 2014 Share Posted October 5, 2014 @Joa fix is this: local phonew, phoneh = getPhoneSize() addEvent("onClientClickFirstAccept", true) addEvent("onClientEnableSwitcher", true) addEvent("onClientDisableSwitcher", true) addEvent("onClientRunApplication", true) addEvent("onClientSelectedSettingsPanelElement", true) addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart", root, function(res) if res ~= getThisResource() then return false end mailBox, mailid = createPhoneWindow(tocolor(210, 210, 210), tocolor(210, 210, 210), true, "transparent") mailApp = addApplication("Dialog Box", "applications/mail/mail.png", "FFAA00", 48, 48, function() showWindow(mailid) end) local fide, cpanel = createSettingsPanel(mailid) addSettingsPanelElement(fide, "Remove dialog") local topAppBar = guiCreateStaticImage(0, 0, phonew, 50, "images/element.png", false, mailBox) guiSetProperty(topAppBar, "ImageColours", "tl:FFFFAA00 tr:FFFFAA00 bl:FFFFAA00 br:FFFFAA00") local label = guiCreateLabel(10, 20, 150, 30, "Dialog Box", false, topAppBar) guiLabelSetVerticalAlign(label, "center") guiSetFont(label, guiCreateFont("fonts/medium.ttf", 15)) guiLabelSetColor(label, 250, 250, 250) userBox, userList, LemeNTS = guiCreateStaticGridList(-1, 50, phonew, phoneh-120, false, mailBox) guiSetProperty(userList, "ImageColours", "tl:00CCCCCC tr:00CCCCCC bl:00CCCCCC br:00CCCCCC") guiSetProperty(LemeNTS, "ImageColours", "tl:00CCCCCC tr:00CCCCCC bl:00CCCCCC br:00CCCCCC") usercol = guiStaticGridListAddColumn(userBox, "", 1) addEventHandler("onClientRunApplication", root, function(i) if i == mailApp then checkUsers() end end) local Zbutton = createButton(10, phoneh-40, phonew-20, 30, " Open dialog", "FFAAAAAA", false, mailBox, true) checkUsers() local senderBox, sendid = createPhoneWindow(tocolor(210, 210, 210), tocolor(210, 210, 210), true, "transparent") local topMsgBar = guiCreateStaticImage(0, 0, phonew, 50, "images/element.png", false, senderBox) guiSetProperty(topMsgBar, "ImageColours", "tl:FFFFAA00 tr:FFFFAA00 bl:FFFFAA00 br:FFFFAA00") memoPerepiska = guiCreateMemo(0, 50, phonew, phoneh-75, "", false, senderBox) guiMemoSetReadOnly(memoPerepiska, true) local w1, h1 = guiGetSize(memoPerepiska, false) local ram2 = guiCreateStaticImage(0, 0, 3, h1, "images/element.png", false, memoPerepiska) local ram3 = guiCreateStaticImage(w1-3, 0, 3, h1, "images/element.png", false, memoPerepiska) local ram4 = guiCreateStaticImage(0, h1-3, w1, 3, "images/element.png", false, memoPerepiska) local ram1 = guiCreateStaticImage(0, 0, w1, 5, "images/element.png", false, memoPerepiska) guiSetProperty(ram1, "ImageColours", "tl:FFFFAA00 tr:FFFFAA00 bl:FFFFAA00 br:FFFFAA00") guiSetProperty(ram4, "ImageColours", "tl:FFFFAA00 tr:FFFFAA00 bl:FFFFAA00 br:FFFFAA00") editBox = guiCreateEdit(0, phoneh-25, phonew-30, 25, "", false, senderBox) local w2, h2 = guiGetSize(editBox, false) local rom1 = guiCreateStaticImage(0, 0, w2, 5, "images/element.png", false, editBox) local rom2 = guiCreateStaticImage(0, 0, 3, h2, "images/element.png", false, editBox) local rom3 = guiCreateStaticImage(w2-3, 0, 3, h2, "images/element.png", false, editBox) local rom4 = guiCreateStaticImage(0, h2-3, w2, 3, "images/element.png", false, editBox) local sendButton = createButton(phonew-30, phoneh-25, 30, 25, "Send", "FFFF9100", false, senderBox, true) guiSetFont(sendButton, guiCreateFont("fonts/light.ttf", 9)) guiLabelSetHorizontalAlign(sendButton, "center") guiLabelSetColor(sendButton, 250, 250, 250) local backMsg = createButton(0, 20, 50, 30, "Back", "00787878", false, topMsgBar, true) guiLabelSetVerticalAlign(backMsg, "center") guiLabelSetHorizontalAlign(backMsg, "center") guiSetFont(backMsg, guiCreateFont("fonts/bold.ttf", 12)) guiLabelSetColor(backMsg, 250, 250, 250) local usverName = guiCreateLabel(50, 20, phonew-50, 30, "", false, topMsgBar) guiLabelSetVerticalAlign(usverName, "center") guiLabelSetHorizontalAlign(usverName, "center") guiSetFont(usverName, guiCreateFont("fonts/bold.ttf", 12)) guiLabelSetColor(usverName, 250, 250, 250) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", root, function() if getElementType(source) == "gui-edit" or getElementType(source) == "gui-memo" then guiSetInputMode("no_binds") else guiSetInputMode("allow_binds") end end ) local user, usver addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", Zbutton, function() if source ~= Zbutton then return false end local rw, cl = guiStaticGridListGetSelectedItem(userBox) if rw ~= nil and rw ~= false and rw ~= -1 then guiSetText(memoPerepiska, "") user = getPlayerName(localPlayer) usver = guiStaticGridListGetItemText(userBox, rw, usercol) guiSetText(usverName, usver) triggerServerEvent("getUserDialog", localPlayer, user, usver) local grub, _, _ = guiStaticGridListGetItemColor(userBox, rw, usercol) if grub == 200 then guiStaticGridListSetItemColor(userBox, rw, usercol, 170, 170, 170) end guiStaticGridListSetSelectedItem(userBox, rw, usercol) guiMemoSetCaretIndex(memoPerepiska, string.len(guiGetText(memoPerepiska))) showWindow(sendid, "open") else createPhoneInfo("Item not found") end end, false) addEventHandler("onClientSelectedSettingsPanelElement", root, function(id, text) if id == fide then if text == "Remove dialog" then local rw, cl = guiStaticGridListGetSelectedItem(userBox) if rw ~= nil and rw ~= false and rw ~= -1 then usver = guiStaticGridListGetItemText(userBox, rw, usercol) if usver and getPlayerFromName(usver) ~= nil then triggerServerEvent("removeUserDialog", localPlayer, localPlayer, getPlayerFromName(usver)) guiSetText(memoPerepiska, "") createPhoneInfo("Dialog removed.\nUser: "..usver) else outputShtorka("The user has not selected") end else outputShtorka("The user has not selected") end end end end) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", sendButton, function() local rw, cl = guiStaticGridListGetSelectedItem(userBox) if rw ~= nil and rw ~= false and rw ~= -1 and user ~= nil then local fmessaga = guiGetText(editBox) if fmessaga ~= "" and fmessaga ~= " " then if not string.find(guiGetText(memoPerepiska), ":") then zmessaga = string.format("%s: %s", getPlayerName(localPlayer), fmessaga) else zmessaga = guiGetText(memoPerepiska).."\n"..string.format("%s: %s", getPlayerName(localPlayer), fmessaga) end fmessaga = string.format("%s: %s", getPlayerName(localPlayer), fmessaga) triggerServerEvent("onUserSendMessage", localPlayer, user, usver, zmessaga, fmessaga) guiSetText(editBox, "") else createPhoneInfo("Message not entered") end else createPhoneInfo("The user has not selected") end end, false) addEventHandler("onClientGUIAccepted", editBox, function() if source ~= editBox then return false end local rw, cl = guiStaticGridListGetSelectedItem(userBox) if rw ~= nil and rw ~= false and rw ~= -1 and user ~= nil then local fmessaga = guiGetText(editBox) if fmessaga ~= "" and fmessaga ~= " " then if not string.find(guiGetText(memoPerepiska), ":") then zmessaga = string.format("%s: %s", getPlayerName(localPlayer), fmessaga) else zmessaga = guiGetText(memoPerepiska).."\n"..string.format("%s: %s", getPlayerName(localPlayer), fmessaga) end fmessaga = string.format("%s: %s", getPlayerName(localPlayer), fmessaga) triggerServerEvent("onUserSendMessage", localPlayer, user, usver, zmessaga, fmessaga) guiSetText(editBox, "") else createPhoneInfo("Message not entered") end else createPhoneInfo("The user has not selected") end end) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", backMsg, function() if source ~= backMsg then return false end hideWindow(sendid, "back") showWindow(mailid) checkUsers() end, false) addEventHandler("onClientMouseEnter", backMsg, function() if source ~= backMsg then return false end guiSetAlpha(backMsg, 0.5) end) addEventHandler("onClientMouseLeave", backMsg, function() if source ~= backMsg then return false end guiSetAlpha(backMsg, 1) end) end) local rowname={} local adduser={} function checkUsers() for xc = 0, guiStaticGridListGetRowCount(userBox) do guiStaticGridListRemoveRow(userBox, xc) end --guiStaticGridListClear(userBox) for i, v in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do if localPlayer == v then return end rowname[v] = guiStaticGridListAddRow(userBox) guiStaticGridListSetItemText(userBox, rowname[v], usercol, getPlayerName(v)) guiStaticGridListSetSelectedItem(userBox, 1, usercol) end end addEvent("onClientSelectNotification", true) addEvent("onClientUpdateMessageBox", true) addEventHandler("onClientUpdateMessageBox", root, function(zmsg, usr) if usr ~= nil and usr ~= false then usr = getPlayerName(usr) local rw, _ = guiStaticGridListGetSelectedItem(userBox) if rw ~= nil and rw ~= false and rw ~= -1 then nam = guiStaticGridListGetItemText(userBox, rw, usercol) if tostring(nam) == tostring(usr) then guiSetText(memoPerepiska, zmsg) guiMemoSetCaretIndex(memoPerepiska, string.len(guiGetText(memoPerepiska))) local notz = addNotification("Mail", "You have new message\nFrom: "..usr, nil, "applications/mail/mail.png", 200, 0, 0, true, true) addEventHandler("onClientSelectNotification", root, function(z) if z == notz then showWindow(mailid) end end) else for li = 0, guiStaticGridListGetRowCount(userBox) do if tostring(guiStaticGridListGetItemText(userBox, li, usercol)) == tostring(usr) then local notz = addNotification("Mail", "You have new message\nFrom: "..usr, nil, "applications/mail/mail.png", 200, 0, 0, true, true) addEventHandler("onClientSelectNotification", root, function(z) if z == notz then showWindow(mailid) end end) guiStaticGridListSetItemColor(userBox, li, usercol, 200, 0, 0) end end end else for li = 0, guiStaticGridListGetRowCount(userBox) do if tostring(guiStaticGridListGetItemText(userBox, li, usercol)) == tostring(usr) then local notz = addNotification("Mail", "You have new message\nFrom: "..usr, nil, "applications/mail/mail.png", 200, 0, 0, true, true) addEventHandler("onClientSelectNotification", root, function(z) if z == notz then showWindow(mailid) end end) guiStaticGridListSetItemColor(userBox, li, usercol, 200, 0, 0) end end end guiMemoSetCaretIndex(memoPerepiska, string.len(guiGetText(memoPerepiska))) else guiSetText(memoPerepiska, zmsg) guiMemoSetCaretIndex(memoPerepiska, string.len(guiGetText(memoPerepiska))) end end) addEvent("showInfoAboutMessages", true) addEventHandler("showInfoAboutMessages", root, function() createPhoneInfo("Dialog was not exists") end) function guiCreateQuadMemo(x, y, w1, h1, str, rel, par, c1, c2, c3, c4) if not c1 then c1 = "FFFFFF" end if not c2 then c2 = "FFFFFF" end if not c3 then c3 = "FFFFFF" end if not c4 then c4 = "FFFFFF" end local memo = guiCreateMemo(x, y, w1, h1, str, rel, par) local ram2 = guiCreateStaticImage(0, 0, 3, h1, "images/element.png", false, memo) local ram3 = guiCreateStaticImage(w1-3, 0, 3, h1, "images/element.png", false, memo) local ram4 = guiCreateStaticImage(0, h1-3, w1, 3, "images/element.png", false, memo) local ram1 = guiCreateStaticImage(0, 0, w1, 5, "images/element.png", false, memo) guiSetProperty(ram1, "ImageColours", "tl:FF"..c1.." tr:FF"..c1.." bl:FF"..c1.." br:FF"..c1) Link to comment
AriosJentu Posted October 6, 2014 Author Share Posted October 6, 2014 @Joa fix is this: local phonew, phoneh = getPhoneSize() addEvent("onClientClickFirstAccept", true) addEvent("onClientEnableSwitcher", true) addEvent("onClientDisableSwitcher", true) addEvent("onClientRunApplication", true) addEvent("onClientSelectedSettingsPanelElement", true) addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart", root, function(res) if res ~= getThisResource() then return false end mailBox, mailid = createPhoneWindow(tocolor(210, 210, 210), tocolor(210, 210, 210), true, "transparent") mailApp = addApplication("Dialog Box", "applications/mail/mail.png", "FFAA00", 48, 48, function() showWindow(mailid) end) local fide, cpanel = createSettingsPanel(mailid) addSettingsPanelElement(fide, "Remove dialog") local topAppBar = guiCreateStaticImage(0, 0, phonew, 50, "images/element.png", false, mailBox) guiSetProperty(topAppBar, "ImageColours", "tl:FFFFAA00 tr:FFFFAA00 bl:FFFFAA00 br:FFFFAA00") local label = guiCreateLabel(10, 20, 150, 30, "Dialog Box", false, topAppBar) guiLabelSetVerticalAlign(label, "center") guiSetFont(label, guiCreateFont("fonts/medium.ttf", 15)) guiLabelSetColor(label, 250, 250, 250) userBox, userList, LemeNTS = guiCreateStaticGridList(-1, 50, phonew, phoneh-120, false, mailBox) guiSetProperty(userList, "ImageColours", "tl:00CCCCCC tr:00CCCCCC bl:00CCCCCC br:00CCCCCC") guiSetProperty(LemeNTS, "ImageColours", "tl:00CCCCCC tr:00CCCCCC bl:00CCCCCC br:00CCCCCC") usercol = guiStaticGridListAddColumn(userBox, "", 1) addEventHandler("onClientRunApplication", root, function(i) if i == mailApp then checkUsers() end end) local Zbutton = createButton(10, phoneh-40, phonew-20, 30, " Open dialog", "FFAAAAAA", false, mailBox, true) checkUsers() local senderBox, sendid = createPhoneWindow(tocolor(210, 210, 210), tocolor(210, 210, 210), true, "transparent") local topMsgBar = guiCreateStaticImage(0, 0, phonew, 50, "images/element.png", false, senderBox) guiSetProperty(topMsgBar, "ImageColours", "tl:FFFFAA00 tr:FFFFAA00 bl:FFFFAA00 br:FFFFAA00") memoPerepiska = guiCreateMemo(0, 50, phonew, phoneh-75, "", false, senderBox) guiMemoSetReadOnly(memoPerepiska, true) local w1, h1 = guiGetSize(memoPerepiska, false) local ram2 = guiCreateStaticImage(0, 0, 3, h1, "images/element.png", false, memoPerepiska) local ram3 = guiCreateStaticImage(w1-3, 0, 3, h1, "images/element.png", false, memoPerepiska) local ram4 = guiCreateStaticImage(0, h1-3, w1, 3, "images/element.png", false, memoPerepiska) local ram1 = guiCreateStaticImage(0, 0, w1, 5, "images/element.png", false, memoPerepiska) guiSetProperty(ram1, "ImageColours", "tl:FFFFAA00 tr:FFFFAA00 bl:FFFFAA00 br:FFFFAA00") guiSetProperty(ram4, "ImageColours", "tl:FFFFAA00 tr:FFFFAA00 bl:FFFFAA00 br:FFFFAA00") editBox = guiCreateEdit(0, phoneh-25, phonew-30, 25, "", false, senderBox) local w2, h2 = guiGetSize(editBox, false) local rom1 = guiCreateStaticImage(0, 0, w2, 5, "images/element.png", false, editBox) local rom2 = guiCreateStaticImage(0, 0, 3, h2, "images/element.png", false, editBox) local rom3 = guiCreateStaticImage(w2-3, 0, 3, h2, "images/element.png", false, editBox) local rom4 = guiCreateStaticImage(0, h2-3, w2, 3, "images/element.png", false, editBox) local sendButton = createButton(phonew-30, phoneh-25, 30, 25, "Send", "FFFF9100", false, senderBox, true) guiSetFont(sendButton, guiCreateFont("fonts/light.ttf", 9)) guiLabelSetHorizontalAlign(sendButton, "center") guiLabelSetColor(sendButton, 250, 250, 250) local backMsg = createButton(0, 20, 50, 30, "Back", "00787878", false, topMsgBar, true) guiLabelSetVerticalAlign(backMsg, "center") guiLabelSetHorizontalAlign(backMsg, "center") guiSetFont(backMsg, guiCreateFont("fonts/bold.ttf", 12)) guiLabelSetColor(backMsg, 250, 250, 250) local usverName = guiCreateLabel(50, 20, phonew-50, 30, "", false, topMsgBar) guiLabelSetVerticalAlign(usverName, "center") guiLabelSetHorizontalAlign(usverName, "center") guiSetFont(usverName, guiCreateFont("fonts/bold.ttf", 12)) guiLabelSetColor(usverName, 250, 250, 250) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", root, function() if getElementType(source) == "gui-edit" or getElementType(source) == "gui-memo" then guiSetInputMode("no_binds") else guiSetInputMode("allow_binds") end end ) local user, usver addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", Zbutton, function() if source ~= Zbutton then return false end local rw, cl = guiStaticGridListGetSelectedItem(userBox) if rw ~= nil and rw ~= false and rw ~= -1 then guiSetText(memoPerepiska, "") user = getPlayerName(localPlayer) usver = guiStaticGridListGetItemText(userBox, rw, usercol) guiSetText(usverName, usver) triggerServerEvent("getUserDialog", localPlayer, user, usver) local grub, _, _ = guiStaticGridListGetItemColor(userBox, rw, usercol) if grub == 200 then guiStaticGridListSetItemColor(userBox, rw, usercol, 170, 170, 170) end guiStaticGridListSetSelectedItem(userBox, rw, usercol) guiMemoSetCaretIndex(memoPerepiska, string.len(guiGetText(memoPerepiska))) showWindow(sendid, "open") else createPhoneInfo("Item not found") end end, false) addEventHandler("onClientSelectedSettingsPanelElement", root, function(id, text) if id == fide then if text == "Remove dialog" then local rw, cl = guiStaticGridListGetSelectedItem(userBox) if rw ~= nil and rw ~= false and rw ~= -1 then usver = guiStaticGridListGetItemText(userBox, rw, usercol) if usver and getPlayerFromName(usver) ~= nil then triggerServerEvent("removeUserDialog", localPlayer, localPlayer, getPlayerFromName(usver)) guiSetText(memoPerepiska, "") createPhoneInfo("Dialog removed.\nUser: "..usver) else outputShtorka("The user has not selected") end else outputShtorka("The user has not selected") end end end end) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", sendButton, function() local rw, cl = guiStaticGridListGetSelectedItem(userBox) if rw ~= nil and rw ~= false and rw ~= -1 and user ~= nil then local fmessaga = guiGetText(editBox) if fmessaga ~= "" and fmessaga ~= " " then if not string.find(guiGetText(memoPerepiska), ":") then zmessaga = string.format("%s: %s", getPlayerName(localPlayer), fmessaga) else zmessaga = guiGetText(memoPerepiska).."\n"..string.format("%s: %s", getPlayerName(localPlayer), fmessaga) end fmessaga = string.format("%s: %s", getPlayerName(localPlayer), fmessaga) triggerServerEvent("onUserSendMessage", localPlayer, user, usver, zmessaga, fmessaga) guiSetText(editBox, "") else createPhoneInfo("Message not entered") end else createPhoneInfo("The user has not selected") end end, false) addEventHandler("onClientGUIAccepted", editBox, function() if source ~= editBox then return false end local rw, cl = guiStaticGridListGetSelectedItem(userBox) if rw ~= nil and rw ~= false and rw ~= -1 and user ~= nil then local fmessaga = guiGetText(editBox) if fmessaga ~= "" and fmessaga ~= " " then if not string.find(guiGetText(memoPerepiska), ":") then zmessaga = string.format("%s: %s", getPlayerName(localPlayer), fmessaga) else zmessaga = guiGetText(memoPerepiska).."\n"..string.format("%s: %s", getPlayerName(localPlayer), fmessaga) end fmessaga = string.format("%s: %s", getPlayerName(localPlayer), fmessaga) triggerServerEvent("onUserSendMessage", localPlayer, user, usver, zmessaga, fmessaga) guiSetText(editBox, "") else createPhoneInfo("Message not entered") end else createPhoneInfo("The user has not selected") end end) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", backMsg, function() if source ~= backMsg then return false end hideWindow(sendid, "back") showWindow(mailid) checkUsers() end, false) addEventHandler("onClientMouseEnter", backMsg, function() if source ~= backMsg then return false end guiSetAlpha(backMsg, 0.5) end) addEventHandler("onClientMouseLeave", backMsg, function() if source ~= backMsg then return false end guiSetAlpha(backMsg, 1) end) end) local rowname={} local adduser={} function checkUsers() for xc = 0, guiStaticGridListGetRowCount(userBox) do guiStaticGridListRemoveRow(userBox, xc) end --guiStaticGridListClear(userBox) for i, v in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do if localPlayer == v then return end rowname[v] = guiStaticGridListAddRow(userBox) guiStaticGridListSetItemText(userBox, rowname[v], usercol, getPlayerName(v)) guiStaticGridListSetSelectedItem(userBox, 1, usercol) end end addEvent("onClientSelectNotification", true) addEvent("onClientUpdateMessageBox", true) addEventHandler("onClientUpdateMessageBox", root, function(zmsg, usr) if usr ~= nil and usr ~= false then usr = getPlayerName(usr) local rw, _ = guiStaticGridListGetSelectedItem(userBox) if rw ~= nil and rw ~= false and rw ~= -1 then nam = guiStaticGridListGetItemText(userBox, rw, usercol) if tostring(nam) == tostring(usr) then guiSetText(memoPerepiska, zmsg) guiMemoSetCaretIndex(memoPerepiska, string.len(guiGetText(memoPerepiska))) local notz = addNotification("Mail", "You have new message\nFrom: "..usr, nil, "applications/mail/mail.png", 200, 0, 0, true, true) addEventHandler("onClientSelectNotification", root, function(z) if z == notz then showWindow(mailid) end end) else for li = 0, guiStaticGridListGetRowCount(userBox) do if tostring(guiStaticGridListGetItemText(userBox, li, usercol)) == tostring(usr) then local notz = addNotification("Mail", "You have new message\nFrom: "..usr, nil, "applications/mail/mail.png", 200, 0, 0, true, true) addEventHandler("onClientSelectNotification", root, function(z) if z == notz then showWindow(mailid) end end) guiStaticGridListSetItemColor(userBox, li, usercol, 200, 0, 0) end end end else for li = 0, guiStaticGridListGetRowCount(userBox) do if tostring(guiStaticGridListGetItemText(userBox, li, usercol)) == tostring(usr) then local notz = addNotification("Mail", "You have new message\nFrom: "..usr, nil, "applications/mail/mail.png", 200, 0, 0, true, true) addEventHandler("onClientSelectNotification", root, function(z) if z == notz then showWindow(mailid) end end) guiStaticGridListSetItemColor(userBox, li, usercol, 200, 0, 0) end end end guiMemoSetCaretIndex(memoPerepiska, string.len(guiGetText(memoPerepiska))) else guiSetText(memoPerepiska, zmsg) guiMemoSetCaretIndex(memoPerepiska, string.len(guiGetText(memoPerepiska))) end end) addEvent("showInfoAboutMessages", true) addEventHandler("showInfoAboutMessages", root, function() createPhoneInfo("Dialog was not exists") end) function guiCreateQuadMemo(x, y, w1, h1, str, rel, par, c1, c2, c3, c4) if not c1 then c1 = "FFFFFF" end if not c2 then c2 = "FFFFFF" end if not c3 then c3 = "FFFFFF" end if not c4 then c4 = "FFFFFF" end local memo = guiCreateMemo(x, y, w1, h1, str, rel, par) local ram2 = guiCreateStaticImage(0, 0, 3, h1, "images/element.png", false, memo) local ram3 = guiCreateStaticImage(w1-3, 0, 3, h1, "images/element.png", false, memo) local ram4 = guiCreateStaticImage(0, h1-3, w1, 3, "images/element.png", false, memo) Link to comment
Anubhav Posted October 6, 2014 Share Posted October 6, 2014 Train @ Come to BoD and I'll show you! EDIT: I fixed it ! Link to comment
Anubhav Posted October 6, 2014 Share Posted October 6, 2014 UPDATES: -- Added update system and fixed it. -- Added notification sound! -- Fixed PM-SYSTEM! Go get the new version! Link to comment
joaosilva099 Posted October 6, 2014 Share Posted October 6, 2014 Did you incremented the fix in this version? I will donwload it later and put in the server and test it. I found other bug too. When u save a music station then you can't play it by clicking it and clicking play... I don't know if it is by anoher way but i tried to save it then reconnect and select and try to play and don't worked. Thank you for quick answer! Link to comment
Anubhav Posted October 6, 2014 Share Posted October 6, 2014 Sorry for it , I'll work on it right now! Some news: Lunix OS Laptop coming synced with this soon! Thanks, Anubhav Contributer of the resource Link to comment
joaosilva099 Posted October 6, 2014 Share Posted October 6, 2014 You don't need to say sorry it's normal to have some bugs man i realy lova this. Link to comment
joaosilva099 Posted October 6, 2014 Share Posted October 6, 2014 I tested out your new version and the bug of appearing me twice is corrected. Its most than corrected (hehe) because now nobody's name is shown Link to comment
Alex0002 Posted October 6, 2014 Share Posted October 6, 2014 When i use the /phone command, the phone was black screen, please help me to fix. 0 debug error Link to comment
joaosilva099 Posted October 6, 2014 Share Posted October 6, 2014 @alex just click in the phone button in the top right corner of the phone Link to comment
Anubhav Posted October 7, 2014 Share Posted October 7, 2014 Joao! Check out new version, TraniLurese fixed it! Link to comment
AriosJentu Posted October 7, 2014 Author Share Posted October 7, 2014 I tested out your new version and the bug of appearing me twice is corrected. Its most than corrected (hehe) because now nobody's name is shown Can you send screen, or told about what application has that bug? Link to comment
joaosilva099 Posted October 7, 2014 Share Posted October 7, 2014 (edited) Ss i cant send now. Later i edit this with the screen. The app is dialog box. EDIT: ScreenShot: Edited October 7, 2014 by Guest Link to comment
Anubhav Posted October 7, 2014 Share Posted October 7, 2014 I hope so you will keep reporting bugs! Thanks for information, but it works fine for us. Please use /debugscript 3 and open the dialog box, we'll see! Link to comment
joaosilva099 Posted October 8, 2014 Share Posted October 8, 2014 Theres the screenshot @TraniLurese Link to comment
Anubhav Posted October 8, 2014 Share Posted October 8, 2014 @Refresh admin panel -> It works fine for us, it won't show yourself in the phone list! Link to comment
joaosilva099 Posted October 8, 2014 Share Posted October 8, 2014 Dont work man. Already tried that Link to comment
Anubhav Posted October 8, 2014 Share Posted October 8, 2014 Please add me at skype @ anubhav.agarwal87 so we can see the problem further! Link to comment
joaosilva099 Posted October 8, 2014 Share Posted October 8, 2014 Added you to skype Anubhav. When my friend arrives i will ask him to enter the server and i will edit one thing on the client-side script of mail app that i think will solve the problem. Later i give you feedback and tell you what i edited! Link to comment
AriosJentu Posted October 8, 2014 Author Share Posted October 8, 2014 Send information for me - my repository Link to comment
Anubhav Posted October 8, 2014 Share Posted October 8, 2014 Problem solved, he din't had latest version and the music one he reported it to me IG, he din't knew about switchers. Salute to Joa for reporting bugs! Link to comment
joaosilva099 Posted October 8, 2014 Share Posted October 8, 2014 Thanks Anubhav there was no problem i just don't understand why i downloaded the version without the bug but it wasn't without it. I downlaoded the script now and then worked. Thanks anyway. Link to comment
Anubhav Posted October 8, 2014 Share Posted October 8, 2014 No problem. Good night guyz, before I fall down and get late for school tommorow L0LZER Link to comment
AriosJentu Posted October 10, 2014 Author Share Posted October 10, 2014 Added new video Link to comment
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