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Table question


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So, here's my table.

For example, I'm in the first row of the table which index is 0, how to get the next row and its data which is indexed at 1.

local radios = { 
{0,"Radio Off",nil}, 
{1,"Radio 1","link"}, 
{2,"Radio 2","link"}, 
{3,"Radio 3","link"}, 
{4,"Radio 4","link"}, 
{5,"Radio 5","link"}, 

function setCurrentChannel(id) 
if (id < 0) or (id > #radios) then return false; end; 
outputChatBox("setting done") 
channelID = id; 
for i,v in ipairs (radios) do  
if v[1] == id then 
actual = v[2] 
suivant = -- is the v[2] of next row of the table 
previous = -- is the v[2] of previous row of the table 
return true; 

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function setCurrentChannel(id) 
if (id < 0) or (id > #radios) then return false; end; 
outputChatBox("setting done") 
channelID = id; 
for i,v in ipairs (radios) do 
if v[1] == id then 
actual = v[2] 
suivant = v[i+1][2] -- next row data 2 
previous = v[i-1][2] -- prev row data 2 
return true; 

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