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Hey guys! I have problem with a script which shows the real time. So i made it with dxDrawText. So i setted the position (my resolution 1920x1080). The problem is that my friend see it misplaced (he uses 1440x900). My question is how can i make it for all resolutions (including the widescreens) .

Here is my code:

function time() 
    local sx,sy = guiGetScreenSize() 
    local mix, miy = 1366, 768 
    local hours = getRealTime().hour 
    local minutes = getRealTime().minute 
        dxDrawText(string.format("%02d:%02d", hours, minutes), (101.7/mix)*sx, (540.7/miy)*sy, (1299/mix)*sx, (56/miy)*sy ,tocolor(0,0,0,255),0.7,"bankgothic","left","top",false,false,false) 
        dxDrawText(string.format("%02d:%02d", hours, minutes), (101/mix)*sx, (540/miy)*sy, (1299/mix)*sx, (56/miy)*sy ,tocolor(69,103,137,255),0.7,"bankgothic","left","top",false,false,false) 
        if (minutes < 10) then m = "0"..minutes end 
addEventHandler ( "onClientRender", getRootElement(), time ) 

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well that should be in the same spot ( you used relativ calculation ) , the problem would be or the text size ( i doubt that it move's very much the text but it could move it a bit).

My best guest is the display aspect ration , you mabe use 16:9 and your friend 4:3 or other one. Try to use

" dxSetAspectRatioAdjustmentEnabled "

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well that should be in the same spot ( you used relativ calculation ) , the problem would be or the text size ( i doubt that it move's very much the text but it could move it a bit).

My best guest is the display aspect ration , you mabe use 16:9 and your friend 4:3 or other one. Try to use

" dxSetAspectRatioAdjustmentEnabled "

Doesn't work.

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