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HELP - ColShape not detecting team


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Hi guys. I need some help. I have a script here and I've created a colshape for an arena of some sort. It's below the ground, so if you want to test it, you'll need to change the coordinates of the colshape and the spawn positions, or just create some ground objects. In the script, I have created some teams and I'm trying to make it so that if you're not in "Duel Team 1", then it spawns you outside the colshape. Otherwise, if you are in "Duel Team 1", then you should be allowed in the colshape. The problem with the script is that it's not detecting if I'm actually in the team, so even though I'm in "Duel Team 1", it still spawns me outside the colshape. If you could help me, that'd be great. :D

local colshape = createColCuboid(950.19, 1566.74, -23.13, 53.2, 53, 8.7) 
function Arena_Enter ( thePlayer, matchingDimension ) 
        if getElementType ( thePlayer ) == "player" then --if the element that entered was player 
                --let's get the name of the player 
                local nameOfThePlayer = getPlayerName ( thePlayer ) 
            --announce to everyone that the player entered the hill 
            outputChatBox ( nameOfThePlayer.." entered the zone!", getRootElement(), 255, 255, 109 ) 
addEventHandler ( "onColShapeHit", colshape, Arena_Enter ) 
local team = {} 
local teamTable = { 
-- createTeam(Team name, R, G, B) 
{"Unemployed", 255, 255, 0}, 
{"Unoccupied", 255, 182, 193}, 
{"Civilian Workers", 255, 215, 0}, 
{"Police Service", 30, 144, 255}, 
{"Criminals", 0, 255, 0}, 
{"Gangsters", 148, 0, 211}, 
{"Duel Team 1", 10, 34, 29}, 
{"Duel Team 2", 244, 0, 29}, 
for i=1, #teamTable do 
        local _team, _r, _g, _b = teamTable[i][1], teamTable[i][2], teamTable[i][3] 
                team[i] = createTeam( _team, _r, _g, _b) 
local teamspawn = {} 
local teamSpawnTable = { 
{934.74, 1586.27, -17.50, 0, 0, 1} 
for i=1, #teamSpawnTable do 
        local _x, _y, _z, _r, _int, _dim = teamSpawnTable[i][1], teamSpawnTable[i][2], teamSpawnTable[i][3], teamSpawnTable[i][4], teamSpawnTable[i][5], teamSpawnTable[i][6] 
-- lp = getLocalPlayer() 
-- _team = getPlayerTeam(thePlayer) 
-- name = getPlayerName(thePlayer) 
-- local _thePlayer = getPlayerName(source) 
-- local playerTeam = getPlayerTeam(source) 
function kicknotdueler ( source, matchingDimension) 
        local playerTeam = getPlayerTeam(source) 
                if getElementType ( source ) == "player" and playerTeam ~= teamTable[7] then 
                spawnPlayer(source, 934.74, 1586.27, -17.50, 0, plrSkin, 0, 1) 
                outputChatBox("You are not allowed to be in the arena", getRootElement(), 255, 255, 109) 
addEventHandler("onColShapeHit", colshape, kicknotdueler) 

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Well, the main problem is that you're using the table 'teamTable' in your 'if', but you should be using 'team' instead.

function kicknotdueler ( hitElement, matchingDimension ) 
    if ( matchingDimension and getElementType ( hitElement ) == "player" ) then 
        local playerTeam = getPlayerTeam ( hitElement ) 
        if ( playerTeam ~= team [ 7 ] ) then 
            setElementPosition ( hitElement, 934.74, 1586.27, -17.50 ) 
            setElementDimension ( hitElement, 1 ) 
            outputChatBox ( "You are not allowed to be in the arena", getRootElement(), 255, 255, 109 ) 
addEventHandler ( "onColShapeHit", colshape, kicknotdueler ) 

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Now the question is, how do I make it work for a range of teams and not just one?

I've been trying like crazy, trying to figure out how to make it work for a range of teams, but I just don't know how:

local teamTable = { 
-- createTeam(Team name, R, G, B) 
{"Unemployed", 255, 255, 0}, 
{"Unoccupied", 255, 182, 193}, 
{"Civilian Workers", 255, 215, 0}, 
{"Police Service", 30, 144, 255}, 
{"Criminals", 0, 255, 0}, 
{"Gangsters", 148, 0, 211}, 
{"Duel Team 1", 10, 34, 29}, 
{"Duel Team 2", 244, 0, 29}, 
{"Duel Team 3", 255, 255, 255}, 
{"Duel Team 4", 255, 255, 255}, 
{"Duel Team 5", 255, 255, 255}, 
{"Duel Team 6", 255, 255, 255}, 
{"Duel Team 7", 255, 255, 255}, 
{"Duel Team 8", 255, 255, 255}, 

I'm gonna keep trying to figure out how.

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for placeNumber, tableData in ipairs(teamTable) do 
    createTeam(tableData[1]--[[= Team Name]], tableData[2]--[[= R]], tableData[3]--[[= G]], tableData[4]--[[= B]]) 

EDIT: You can also use the code 'unpack'.

for placeNumber, tableData in ipairs(teamTable) do 
    local tName, tR, tG, tB = unpack(tableData) 
    createTeam(tName, tR, tG, tB) 

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for placeNumber, tableData in ipairs(teamTable) do 
    createTeam(tableData[1]--[[= Team Name]], tableData[2]--[[= R]], tableData[3]--[[= G]], tableData[4]--[[= B]]) 

EDIT: You can also use the code 'unpack'.

for placeNumber, tableData in ipairs(teamTable) do 
    local tName, tR, tG, tB = unpack(tableData) 
    createTeam(tName, tR, tG, tB) 

Ok, thank you for trying to help, but that first for loop statement is essentially the same thing as

for i=1, #teamTable do 
    local _team, _r, _g, _b = teamTable[i][1], teamTable[i][2], teamTable[i][3], teamTable[i][4] 
        team[i] = createTeam( _team, _r, _g, _b) 

only, you didn't specify it for team[placeNumber]. But it is a different coding style, so I thank you for that.

And the second for loop statement was helpful when trying to use it in cmd, but they still don't tell me how to specify a range of teams that should be allowed in the colshape.

Edited by Guest
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allowedTeams = { 
function test() 
    local teamIsAllowed = false 
    for numberData, teamData in ipairs(team) do 
        for placeNumber, tableData in ipairs(allowedTeams) do 
            if (getTeamName(teamData) == teamName) then 
                teamIsAllowed = true 
    if (teamIsAllowed == true) then 

You can do something like this. :P

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Ehh, I tried doing what you posted, but to no avail, I couldn't get the script to work properly.

function kicknotdueler(source, matchingDimension) 
    local teamisAllowed = false 
    for numberData, teamData in ipairs(team) do 
        for placeNumber, tableData in ipairs(allowedTeams) do 
            if (getTeamName(teamData) == teamName) then 
                teamIsAllowed = true 
    if getElementType ( source ) == "player" then  
        if (teamisAllowed ~= true) then 
            setElementPosition ( source, 934.74, 1586.27, -17.50 ) 
            setElementDimension (source, 1) 
            outputChatBox("You are not allowed to be in the arena!", source, 255, 0, 0)          
            -- spawnPlayer(source, 949.14, 1613.63, -22.11, 0, plrSkin, 0, 1) 
            setElementDimension (source, 1) 
addEventHandler("onColShapeHit", colshape, kicknotdueler)    

Even if I was on one of the allowed teams, it still wouldn't let me in the colshape no matter what. Back to square 1 :/

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Why do I always get table index is nil error, line 21? I had this working previously and now it don't work.

function kicknotdueler(source, matchingDimension) 
local teamtype1 = getTeamFromName("Unemployed") 
local teamtype2 = getTeamFromName("Unoccupied") 
local teamtype3 = getTeamFromName("Civilian Workers") 
local teamtype4 = getTeamFromName("Police Service") 
local teamtype5 = getTeamFromName("Criminals") 
local teamtype6 = getTeamFromName("Gangsters") 
local teamtype7 = getTeamFromName("Duel Team 1") 
local teamtype8 = getTeamFromName("Duel Team 2") 
local teamtype9 = getTeamFromName("Duel Team 3") 
local teamtype10 = getTeamFromName("Duel Team 4") 
local teamtype11 = getTeamFromName("Duel Team 5") 
local teamtype12 = getTeamFromName("Duel Team 6") 
local teamtype13 = getTeamFromName("Duel Team 7") 
local teamtype14 = getTeamFromName("Duel Team 8") 
--duelTeamTable = {teamtype7, teamtype8, teamtype9, teamtype10, teamtype11, teamtype12, teamtype13, teamtype14} 
--normalsTeamTable = {teamtype1, teamtype2, teamtype3, teamtype4, teamtype5, teamtype6} 
duelTeamTable = {} 
duelTeamTable[a] = teamtype1, teamtype2, teamtype3, teamtype4, teamtype5, teamtype6 
duelTeamTable[b] = teamtype7, teamtype8, teamtype9, teamtype10, teamtype11, teamtype12, teamtype13, teamtype14 
--duelTeamTable["tea"] = teamtype1, teamtype2, teamtype3, teamtype4, teamtype5, teamtype6 
--duelTeamTable["tea2"] = teamtype7, teamtype8, teamtype9, teamtype10, teamtype11, teamtype12, teamtype13, teamtype14 
local team = getPlayerTeam(source) 
    if getElementType ( source ) == "player" then  
            if (team == duelTeamTable[b]) then 
                setElementDimension (source, 1) 
            elseif (team == duelTeamTable[a]) then 
                setElementPosition ( source, 934.74, 1586.27, -17.50 ) 
                setElementDimension (source, 1) 
                outputChatBox("You are not allowed to be in the arena!", source, 255, 0, 0) 
                setElementPosition ( source, 934.74, 1586.27, -17.50 ) 
                setElementDimension (source, 1) 
                outputChatBox("You are not allowed to be in the arena!", source, 255, 0, 0) 
addEventHandler("onColShapeHit", colshape, kicknotdueler) 

If I set the keys to ["a"] and ["b"] respectively, the script only works if I'm on "Duel Team 1".

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