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Another help needed


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Guyz, its telling me I have triggered a client event and its not added. But I HAVE ADDED.


function createJob(jobName,teamName,pedID,desc,marker,skins) 
addEventHandler("onClientMarkerHit", marker, showJobWindow) 
triggerEvent('showMeWindow', root, jobName, desc, teamName, skins ) 
addEvent("createJob", true) 
addEventHandler("createJob", root, createJob) 


function addJob(x,y,z,jobName,teamName,pedID,desc,skins,occupation) 
marker = createMarker(x,y,z,"cylinder") 
ped = createPed(pedID, x,y,z ) 

Edited by Guest
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Why is that needed? So you can leak my script?

Really Leaking your script ? You Don't want help ? / i don't need it i made a lot of scripts and help alot you can Check my posts ..

i want to see this side of script

triggerEvent('showMeWindow' ) 
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Max can't you shutup??? Why will I SHOW MY WHOLE CODE? YOU WANT TO LEAK IT, I BET. Et-win is more helpful.

@Etwin - I will try it

Ok , if he's more helpful to you then you can do whatever you want with your script Good Luck .

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Et-win ty. Now one more problem came:

function addJob(x,y,z,jobName,teamName,pedID,desc,skins,occupation) 
marker = createMarker(x,y,z,"cylinder") bad argument ( only this much ) 
ped = createPed(pedID, x,y,z ) -- bad argument ( only this much ) 
addEvent("startJobScript", true ) 
addEventHandler('startJobScript', root, addJob ) 

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Again spams my debugscript 3.

function createJob(x,y,z,jobName,teamName,pedID,desc,skins,occupation) 
marker = createMarker(x,y,z,"cylinder") 
ped = createPed(pedID, x,y,z ) 
setTimer(addEventHandler,5000,1,"onClientMarkerHit", marker, showJobWindow) 
triggerServerEvent("startJobScript", getLocalPlayer() ) 
addEvent("createJob", true) 
addEventHandler("createJob", root, createJob) 

at createMarker bad arguement ;( Everything is defined.

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function createJob( x, y, z, jobName, teamName, pedID, desc, skins, occupation ) 
    x, y, z = tonumber( x ), tonumber( y ), tonumber( z ) 
    marker = createMarker( x, y, z, "cylinder" ) 
    ped = createPed(pedID, x,y,z ) 
    setTimer( addEventHandler, 5000, 1, "onClientMarkerHit", marker, showJobWindow ) 
    triggerServerEvent("startJobScript", getLocalPlayer() ) 
addEvent("createJob", true) 
addEventHandler("createJob", root, createJob) 

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