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screen freeze

Guest vertigorilla

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Everything works fine until I respawn the second or third time and then my screen freezes. There are no exception errors or warnings or anything. Then vc shuts down, my computer stays on, and the normal desktop comes back on. The all seeing eye is still connected, but the game just freezes and disappears only to be replaced by the normal desktop screen. Anyone know anything about this?

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Yep, VC has a spawning bug at the moment. I think the current "fix" is to alternate between classes (e.g. spawn once as the Mexican, then the Sailor, the the Mexican again). Hopefully this will be addressed in the upcoming patch.

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All I do to avoid the spawn crashes is stand still without making any movement until everything loads up completely (about 2-3 seconds - but this probably varies depending on your PC speed). Anyways, this works great for me, so I suggest others try it.

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