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Hello i have this script which saves team when quit but the problem is : i kicked some one from The Team when he reconnect again he joins the Team Automatic i want it saves if the player in Team or not because when i kick my self from the team when i reconnect i join the team again automatic

function setTeam() 
local account = getPlayerAccount(source) -- gets players account 
local team = getAccountData (account, "team") -- gets players team 
if (team) and getTeamFromName(team) then 
      setPlayerTeam(source, getTeamFromName(team)) -- sets players team 
addEventHandler("onPlayerLogin",root,setTeam) -- sets players team on login 
function save() 
 local team = getPlayerTeam(source) -- Gets the players team 
local account = getPlayerAccount(source) 
if (team) and not isGuestAccount(account) then -- Checks to see if the player is a guest or not 
setAccountData(account, "team", getTeamName(team)) --saves team 
addEventHandler("onPlayerQuit", getRootElement(), save) -- saves team on quit 

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When the player quits you only store data in the "team" key if the player is in a team. You skip the case if getPlayerTeam returns false. Check if there was no team found and set "false" inside the "team" key and then when he joins, check if the string from the account data is "false" and skip the setting of the team if so, else set it's team to getTeamFromName(getAccountData(account,"team)).

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tell me what functions -_-

Or you are just going to read the scripting tutorials so you know how to do the basics. If you want free scripts, then move to https://community.multitheftauto.com/ and download them there. We are not your slaves here to give you every script you want. Go learn the basics, go learn understand what the scripts are actually doing at every rule. Then you LEARN to script something like this EASILY.

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Replace from line 13 to this:

if team and not isGuestAccount(account) then  
    setAccountData(account, "team", getTeamName(team))  
elseif not team then 
    setAccountData(account, "team", getTeamFromName("Insert_teme_here"))  

Personally I would use the solution provided by Cheez3D, but since that wasn't good enough for you, we're making it the hard way. This solves the special case but causes new issues if you want to have team less players too, which I wouldn't recommend, it's all up to you now.

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