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[HELP] if with table


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Hello, I'm currently learning how to script by myself and i'm running into difficulties. My problem is that I cannot put a table into a condition. I would like my variable to be equal to one of my table's datas.

Here is what I've done :

table = {1,2,3,4,5} 

variable = guiCreateEdit(50, 50, 50, 21, "", false) 

if variable == table then 
else outputChatBox("problem",125,0,0) end 

ChatBox shows : problem

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if variable == table then 

Means in this case: If 'guiCreateEdit(50, 50, 50, 21, "", false)' == '{1,2,3,4,5}', in other words, it's not the same so it failed.

To add your variable to the table, you can do for example:

variable = guiCreateEdit(50, 50, 50, 21, "", false) 
table.insert(table, variable) 

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== operator checks if the values are the same, which they're not in this case. To check if the value inside the GUI element matches any value inside such table, you would need to through it:

local gui_text = guiGetText(variable) -- stores the contents of the edit box into 'gui_text' 
local matches = false 
for key, value in ipairs(table) do -- loop through table, executing the following block of code for each value 
    if tostring(value) == gui_text then 
        matches = true 
if matches then 
    -- edit box content mathces a value inside the table 
    -- no table value is the same as the content of edit box 

But it would be much simpler if you used the values as the keys of the table:

table = {["1"] = true, ["2"] = true, ["3"] = true, ["4"] = true, ["5"] = true} 
local gui_text = guiGetText(variable) 
if table[gui_text] then 
    -- value of 'gui_text' is inside the table 
    -- value of 'gui_text' is not inside the table 

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