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Free MTA hosting untill 1st August

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Hi there. I am Benjamin and I want talk to you about Pyro Hosting.

www.pyrohosting.net is offering Free Game Hosting (MTA and many other games) until 1st August (as you can see in the title). All you have to do is going on the website, register and wait for your Game Server login details (email, check your spam folder too!!!). One of the administrators will accept your request and you will be able host your server.

*It's recommended to backup your server files.

Pyro Hosting is offering support, but don't expect 10 folks waiting for your messages 24/7. You must know basic MTA hosting like uploading files (gosh, there are so many people that don't know that..). They will help you with the basic actions as starting the server, stopping it and maybe sword fighting. :D

After 1st August Pyro Hosting will offered only paid hosting but you don't have to worry about it: the prices will be as low as possible. Have fun! :)

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I am Benjamin and I want talk to you about Pyro Hosting.

I want to talk to you.

All you have to do is going on the website

All what you have to do is to go.

After 1st August Pyro Hosting will offered only paid hosting

After the 1st of August, Pyro hosting will offer only paid hosting.

Judging from your grammar, yeah, seems legit.

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I ordered a server from them at June 22th, just to check if it was true.

I had to wait untill June 23th and eventually I got the server. It was running normally and I could manage it.

Yesterday I didn't even touch it nor thought about it, and today I was gonna actually use it and found out that it was gone.

I had not uploaded anything before to the server because I did not trust it (it's quite suspicious that they were offering free stuff).

But today I was going to upload something that is public, (tactics gamemode), so there wasn't anything that could be actually "leaked" / "stolen".

I don't know what this people is trying to do. They only make themselves look like retards.

By the way: I must mention that Pyro Hosting is another brand. You can visit their website. http://pyrohosting.in/

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, I can't deny the fact that we are retards. Only some retards would offer free services. Could you show me other retards on the market? Yes you could, but they are not so many as you could believe.

I must apologize to the Grammar Nazis before posting this, well, I am retard and as a RETARD my English knowledge is not that high (not as high as you are when commenting on this post).

I forgot to mention we are on the Beta Testing (throw stones at me), but would you expect from a free services provider? Gold, diamonds and a Rolls Royce with each order? I guess you would expect that. Too bad, we only afford to offer Silver, sapphires and Bentleys. You bloody bastards! >.<

I must clarify something?: ordering 100 servers and expecting all of them to be accepted it's just foolish. Most of our customers wanted to host whole communities of gaming, but we were specific: 1 gameserver/ customer. Is that hard to understand? There is no need for Negative Advertisement.

Let's think about it: You lost files because your server was cancelled? We changed our machines and couldn't keep all the files intact. But it is your duty, as the owner, to back-up your files. Bloody Hell! Do you want 7 stars services for free? Good luck with that.

If you want to talk to me about pyrohosting.net and pyrohosting.in (which is our web hosting company), just add my skype: beny_spy. I am from Romania and no, I am not a gipsy. If you want to make harmful comments please add my skype and talk to me, face to monitor. Cheers.

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