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[HELP] Please


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How do I set Set Health Set for Blood? and so make it work? and even to the point Health: Blood: I can not do it :(

elseif ( source == aTab1.SetHealth ) then aInputBox ( "Set Health", "Enter the health value", "100", "triggerServerEvent ( \"aPlayer\", getLocalPlayer(), getPlayerFromNick ( \""..escname.."\" ), \"sethealth\", $value )" ) 

if ( isPlayerDead ( player ) ) then guiSetText ( aTab1.Health, "Health: Dead" ) 
            else guiSetText ( aTab1.Health, "Health: "..math.ceil ( getElementHealth ( player ) ).."%" ) end 

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Not enough informations and code to help you.

- we don't know what is aInputBox

- we don't know what is source (which event)

- we don't know what is aTab1.SetHealth (we can guess it's maybe a progressbar)

- we don't know where the player variable comes from.

- we don't don't what is aTab1.Health (we can guess it's maybe a label)

So come back with more code if you want help.

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Not enough informations and code to help you.

- we don't know what is aInputBox

- we don't know what is source (which event)

- we don't know what is aTab1.SetHealth (we can guess it's maybe a progressbar)

- we don't know where the player variable comes from.

- we don't don't what is aTab1.Health (we can guess it's maybe a label)

So come back with more code if you want help.

Come on give me instructions or guidance please do as I remodel in the admin panel to Set Health Set Blood 1-12000. :(

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I believe what he is asking for is the ability to set health(For MTA DayZ) directly through the 'default' Admin Panel. I'd help since I've modified the panel before, but I do not know what functions your gamemode use to set the health, and I'm currently at work, so I won't be able to help for a few hours.

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