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Setting cache to false


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Hiya. I tried setting client sided lua files' cache to false. I thought I'll need to download it every time I join the server, but I can't see the progressbar, the small downloading indicator... It does work though, I can't find the files in my mods folder, I'm just curious, how does it work?

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All scripts will be saved in your ram, but also write down to your hard-drive so you don't have to download it again.

When you take the second one away, it is still in your ram which is required for using it.

ram = your memory, those sticks in your motherboard.

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No, there are always people who are able to do the impossible.

But it is a very safe way. Not much people know how to packet sniffing the network.

(getting the data from the network before it is in the ram)

So +compile your scripts too, before sending it to your vps, not only players are interested in your scripts.

Also your staff or friends may are too, which have access to your scripts as well.(I am not going to tell you how, but it is possible)

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I mean, the server side itself, is it being downloaded to the RAM? Is it safe to leave it uncompiled?
Client's have nothing to do with the server-side scripting. That all stays within the servers RAM.

There is your answer, client never download server sided scripts.

Setting script cache to false is not secure at all, and you can get the data by downloading software which you can find in a few seconds on google, so you can do it even if you have no knowledge in programming, and the data sent via http (resource download) is not encrypted. The best option currently is to use luac.multitheftauto.com to encrypt and compile your files.

If you dont want to compile/encrypt all the time since it's a pain the in the ass, then you can make your own script that sends scripts to client with triggerClientEvent and then use loadstring to load the scripts. That should be more secure than setting cache to false, since data sent through triggerClientEvent is encrypted by default (unless you change that in mtaserver.conf).

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