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I'm using onPlayerChangeNick event in a script, but apart from this script, I've another one which uses the same event to check if a player has changed his nick more than 3 times in 30 secs, if he changes his nick more than 3 times within 30 secs, it cancels the event, so the nick is not changed.

But, on the script I'm working on, how can I check if the event was cancelled by another script?

I've this, but it doesn't work.

addEventHandler("onPlayerChangeNick", root, 
    if wasEventCancelled() then outputChatBox("Cancelled") end 


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Try this:

addEventHandler("onPlayerChangeNick", root, 
    if wasEventCancelled() then outputChatBox("Cancelled") end 
end, true, "low") 

The last argument sets the handler's priority to low so this piece of code should get called after the other one where you cancelled the event.

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Yes, but that kinda sucks because it doesn't make the script be independent.

Another solution would be to check if the player's nick actually changed. Maybe by using a timer.

Just wondering why wasEventCancelled apparently doesn't work.

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I was just trying and I found another possible solution:

addEventHandler("onPlayerChangeNick", root, 
function (oldNick, newNick) 
        if wasEventCancelled() then outputChatBox("Was Cancelled!") return end 
    end, 500, 1) 

It works!

But guys I've one question, how does the script know that I'm ONLY asking if the onPlayerChangeNick event was cancelled?

Is it because it's inside of the same event?

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I was just trying and I found another possible solution:

It works!

But guys I've one question, how does the script know that I'm ONLY asking if the onPlayerChangeNick event was cancelled?

Is it because it's inside of the same event?

This function checks if the last completed event was cancelled.

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