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HELP me Please..


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I need some help basically I want something to be set "zombieproof" I need help I want to set it zombieproof the colRectangle..

setElementData ("zombieProof", true), 
addEventHandler("onColShapeHit", createColRectangle (96, 1788, 184, 145), function(h)if not isElement(h) then return end if getElementData(h,"zombie") then killPed(h) end end) 

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for _,v in pairs ( getElementsByType("player")) do 
setElementData (v,"zombieProof", true) 
local col = createColRectangle (96, 1788, 184, 145) 
addEventHandler("onColShapeHit", col,  
if not isElement(h) then return end 
 if getElementData(h,"zombie") then 

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for _,v in pairs ( getElementsByType("player")) do 
local col = createColRectangle (96, 1788, 184, 145) 
setElementData ("zombieProof", true), 
addEventHandler("onColShapeHit", col, 
if not isElement(h) then return end 
 if getElementData(h,"zombie") then 

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yea added a comma by mistake

for _,v in pairs ( getElementsByType("player")) do 
local col = createColRectangle (96, 1788, 184, 145) 
setElementData ("zombieProof", true) 
addEventHandler("onColShapeHit", col, 
if not isElement(h) then return end 
 if getElementData(h,"zombie") then 

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WARNING: zombies/zombie_server.lua:29: Bad argument @ 'setElementData

' [Expected element at argument 1, got string 'zombieProof']

5:05] WARNING: zombie

s/zombie_server.lua:30: Bad argument @ 'addEventHandle

r' [Expected element at argument 2, got nil]


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setElementData ("zombieProof", true), 
local col = createColRectangle (96, 1788, 184, 145) 
function(h)if not isElement(h) then return end if getElementData(h,"zombie") then killPed(h) end end) 

if there is a problem remove that comma @ setElementData

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Here: This will work if each zombie has the element data "zombie" set to a value other than nil.

local col = createColRectangle (96, 1788, 184, 145) 
addEventHandler("onColShapeHit", col, 
    if getElementType(hitElement) == 'ped' and getElementData(hitElement, 'zombie') then 

Also: price wat r u doin, price, stahp

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Depends what zombie resource you are using to spawn the zombies. I'm not sure if onColShapeHit is triggered if a ped is created inside that col, test it, and if it does trigger then replace killPed with destroyElement.

Note: May cause issues with the zombie resource, depending on how they handle destroying zombie elements.

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setElementData (createRadarArea(2418.4255371094, -1735,121.6306152344,100,0,150,0,153),"zombieProof",true) 
addEventHandler("onColShapeHit", createColRectangle (2418.4255371094, -1735,121.6306152344,100), function(h)if not isElement(h) then return end if getElementData(h,"zombie") then killPed(h) end end) 

This is a working one I use in another place.. only thing is I don't want the radar.. Can you help me with the original onColShapeHit maybe this code can help both you?

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The code I posted should work without creating a radar area..

But anyways: I removed the radar area...It was pretty obvious you needed to remove createRadarArea if you wanted to remove it..

addEventHandler("onColShapeHit", createColRectangle (2418.4255371094, -1735,121.6306152344,100), function(h)if not isElement(h) then return end if getElementData(h,"zombie") then killPed(h) end end) 

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Sorry for late reply but it didn't work with the setElementData..

addEventHandler("onColShapeHit", createColRectangle (96, 1788, 184, 145), function(h)if not isElement(h) then return end if getElementData(h,"zombie") then killPed(h) end end) 
setElementData(col, "zombieProof", true) 

I get this error.. WARNING: Zombie-System\zombie_server.lua:27: Bad argument @ 'setElementData' [Expected element at argument 1, got nil]

This is the zombieproof script if it helps..

addEvent( "onZombieSpawn", true ) 
function RanSpawn_Z ( gx, gy, gz, rot) 
    local safezone = 0 
    local allradars = getElementsByType("radararea") 
    for theKey,theradar in ipairs(allradars) do 
        if getElementData(theradar, "zombieProof") == true then 
            if isInsideRadarArea ( theradar, gx, gy ) then 
                safezone = 1 

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Then explain better :P

local col = createColRectangle (96, 1788, 184, 145) 
setElementData (col,"zombieProof", true) 
addEventHandler("onColShapeHit", col,  
if not isElement(h) then return end 
 if getElementData(h,"zombie") then 

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