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"Vice Multiplayer" - No Thanks.

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Personally I think the whole project is a hoax, the movies were a hoax, the "precentage complete" is a hoax.

I'm willing to bet we will never see a release of this mod.

Come on the movie was an obvious hoax, even on LAN MTA is not THAT smooth, and mta has had a lot more time to put work into their project.

And what about this crap "We found a new way to program it so it gives us the edge over other VC multiplayer mods."


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right, mta is a hoax, even tho over 500 people play it. hmm, you should work for symantec

no1 uses the forums? try looking @ how many ppl are signed up and look at the amount of posts. o wait, i forgot, you cant count..

:arrow: Request Granted

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