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Check if a button gets pressed repeatedly

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Hi! I have a question. How can I check if a button, for example L Shift gets pressed repeatedly? Because I want to do a function if I hold down a key the character starts jogging, but if I keep pushing it the character starts to sprint. How could I do this? Does anyone could help me in this please? Thank you!

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Okay, so I made a script, but my problem is that I don't know how to get the player's sprint key. So for example my sprint is binded to left shift, but other players have other binds, for example my friend's sprint key is space. How can I get the sprint button and bind it? So everyone can use it with their binds.

Right now I have this:

bindKey( "lshift", "both", 
function () 
    if getKeyState("lshift") == true then 
        setControlState ( "walk", false ) 
        setControlState ( "sprint", false ) 
    elseif getKeyState("lshift") == false then 
        setControlState ( "walk", true ) 
        setControlState ( "sprint", false ) 
end ) 

And I want to make the script work like if you keep pressing the sprint button the character starts to sprint, but if you just hold it your character will be jogging and if you don't hold or press it then your character just simply walks. Can anybody help me in this please?

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