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GTA SA Nodes


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...Nodes? I assume you mean for pedestrians? This does sound rather interesting, I personally haven't heard of this before. But it would surely be nice to take a look at! :lol:

Nope, GTA is using 'nodes'. Well atleast, that's the name I can still remember. :lol: these nodes are points ingame that are used for pathfinding. I'm currently working on speed limits for my server and instead of creating a table with millions and millions of coords, I wanted to use these 'nodes'. but I can't find this *** file anymore haha!

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Or then just download the MTA default resources. It's located in the gps resource.

Wait, you're kidding. right?

edit1; let's jump in the air, with a glass of Captain Morgan and get wasted because I just wasted my time on decompiling the .dat files. :lol::lol:

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The "gps" resource has the vehicle nodes.

Edit: I don't know if this is what you were looking for: https://www.dropbox.com/s/c29lcuhmsfkr54a/paths.lua

Nope, I was looking for the vehicles one. I'm creating a system where you have speed limits, roadnames and a GPS system. I didn't want to write a million of coords down. So I was searching for these vehiclenodes. They were actually in the GPS resource under the name; vehiclenodes.lua ^^ Thanks anyway!

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