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[HELP] It does not work: (


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It does not work it does not kick at all .. :(or not write anything ..:( help anyone?

function checkPing(thePlayer) 
ping = getPlayerPing(thePlayer) 
if ( ping > 200 ) then 
kickPlayer (thePlayer ,Too high Ping) 
outputChatBox (getPlayerName(thePlayer).."was kicked for hight ping!",255,255,0 ) 
addEventHandler ("OnResourceStart") 

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You forgot apostrophes around the kick reason.

Also, your event handler is incorrectly written. It takes in three arguments (event name, event source and handler function).

You also have to loop through all players in order to check pings like that. You also forgot the second argument from the outputChatBox function (the target element(s), which is root for now).

function checkPing( ) 
    for _,player in ipairs( getElementsByType( "player" ) ) do 
        local ping = getPlayerPing( player ) 
        if ( ping > 200 ) then 
            kickPlayer( player, "High ping (" .. ping .. ">200)" ) 
            outputChatBox( getPlayerName( player ) .. " was kicked for high ping (" .. ping .. ">200)", root, 255, 255, 0 ) 
addEventHandler( "onResourceStart", resourceRoot, checkPing ) 

Edited by Guest
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