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Ordering a table.


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Hey Guys, how could i do a math arrangement?

Lets say i get player table:

PTable = {} 

Now, each player has an element data. (Or value assigned)

PTable = {} 
PTable[Player1] = 50 
PTable[Player2] = 45 
PTable[Player3] = 55 

Now, how can i order them in order to be from biggest to smallest?

PTable = {} 
PTable[Player3] = 55 
PTable[Player1] = 50 
PTable[Player2] = 45 



PD: Thought about something with math.max, but idk if there's a shorter way.

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Did a quick test:

PTable = {} 
PTable["Player1"] = 50 
PTable["Player2"] = 45 
PTable["Player3"] = 55 
table.sort(PTable, function(a,b) return aend) 
for i,v in pairs(PTable) do 
outputServerLog("Player: "..i.." Value:"  .. v) 

It only outputed the table normally...

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PTable = {} 
table.insert(PTable, 50) 
table.insert(PTable, 45) 
table.insert(PTable, 55) 
table.sort(PTable, function(a,b) return aend) 
for i,v in ipairs(PTable) do 
outputServerLog("Player: "..i.." Value:"  .. v) 

Did it like this and it did sorted it, but Smallest > Bigger.

PD: How can i return players if i must use indexed tables?

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Guys, if anyone need it, i solved it this way, not sure if it is efficient thought:

PTableValues = {} 
PTableValues["PlayerA"] = 50 
PTableValues["PlayerB"] = 45 
PTableValues["PlayerC"] = 55 
PTable = {} 
table.insert(PTable, 50) 
table.insert(PTable, 45) 
table.insert(PTable, 55) 
table.sort(PTable, function(a,b) return a>b end) 
for i,v in ipairs(PTable) do 
for k,s in pairs(PTableValues) do 
if v == s then 
outputServerLog("Player: "..k.." is Pos: "..i.." with value "..s .."/"..v) 

EDIT: This will only return the last player, why?

PTableValues = {} 
PTableValues["PlayerA"] = 50 
PTableValues["PlayerB"] = 45 
PTableValues["PlayerC"] = 55 
PTable = {} 
table.insert(PTable, 50) 
table.insert(PTable, 45) 
table.insert(PTable, 55) 
table.sort(PTable, function(a,b) return a>b end) 
for i,v in ipairs(PTable) do 
for k,s in pairs(PTableValues) do 
if v == s then 
TableReturn = {} 
TableReturn[k] = i 
for i,v in pairs(TableReturn) do 
outputServerLog("Player: "..i.." is pos: "..v) 

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