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Who are the number 1 cheaters?

Guest mtavc001

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I thought it would be a good idea to start a thread naming and shaming cheaters. I think the number 1 spot goes to that a.s.shole **BlaZe**! He always comes in all the good servers and ruins them. He flys in a dam helicopter that goes through walls and floors. he flys undergound and pops up right beneath you and your dead because of the blades. this is so unfair! he is unkillable and then sometimes decides to bring out his spaz shotgun. An invincible player with a spaz....not a good mix. he also comes zooming past players on his speed modded cars and bikes. its like hes doing 1000000miles an hour. he can also run faster than cars and fly, and also make the cars fly.

i find this totally unacaptable. even when the admin bans him, he comes straight back into the game!!! how is this even possible???

this is not fair and someone should do something about it!

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Who are the number 1 cheaters?

Regardless of whether you are Blaze or not, having a "number one cheaters" thread will actually encourage cheating. Many virus writers were encouraged by the media attention that the Blaster worm got, to the extent that people are being flooded with viruses now. And the media's shown spammers driving Ferraris, encouraging people to start spamming (hey, it is tempting, I'll admit).

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