Resto Posted March 22, 2014 Share Posted March 22, 2014 Hi I would need help always when I want to add !msgs or !messages so I do not and it means that when someone types !msgs / !messages so give him Resto sent a total of 4500 messages .. The second problem is that I would like to know how many a player !cash !deaths !playtime !wins !hunters !messages so that, for example write !cash Resto Resto and writing it has $400 Then there is another bug that when you win so I do not win when you win but I have to jump into the water or be capable Blow me, please help me! This is my script: Stats_Client: function addColumns() exports.scoreboard:scoreboardAddColumn("Home",15) exports.scoreboard:scoreboardAddColumn("Country",50) exports.scoreboard:scoreboardAddColumn("Money",60) exports.scoreboard:scoreboardAddColumn("Points",50) exports.scoreboard:scoreboardAddColumn("fps",20) end addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart", getResourceRootElement(getThisResource()), addColumns) addEventHandler('onClientPlayerJoin', root, function() setElementData(source,"Points",0) setElementData(source,"Playtime",0) setElementData(source,"Wins",0) setElementData(source,"Deaths",0) setElementData(source,"Hunters",0) end ) Stats_Server: gRoot = getRootElement() LastWinners={"","","","",""} function onPlayerQuit ( ) local playeraccount = getPlayerAccount ( source ) if ( playeraccount ) and not isGuestAccount ( playeraccount ) then local playermoney = getPlayerMoney ( source ) local playerpoints = getElementData(source,"Points") local playertime = getElementData(source,"Playtime") local playerwins = getElementData(source,"Wins") local playerdeaths = getElementData(source,"Deaths") local playerhunters = getElementData(source,"Hunters") setAccountData ( playeraccount, "money", playermoney ) setAccountData ( playeraccount, "points", playerpoints ) setAccountData ( playeraccount, "playtime", playertime ) setAccountData ( playeraccount, "wins", playerwins ) setAccountData ( playeraccount, "deaths", playerdeaths ) setAccountData ( playeraccount, "hunters", playerhunters ) end end function onPlayerLogin (_, playeraccount ) if ( playeraccount ) then local playermoney = getAccountData ( playeraccount, "money" ) local playerpoints = getAccountData ( playeraccount, "points" ) local playertime = getAccountData ( playeraccount, "playtime" ) local playerwins = getAccountData ( playeraccount, "wins" ) local playerdeaths = getAccountData ( playeraccount, "deaths" ) local playerhunters = getAccountData ( playeraccount, "hunters" ) setPlayerMoney ( source, playermoney ) setElementData(source,"Points",playerpoints or 0) setElementData(source,"Playtime",playertime or 0) setElementData(source,"Wins",playerwins or 0) setElementData(source,"Deaths",playerdeaths or 0) setElementData(source,"Hunters",playerhunters or 0) end end addEventHandler ( "onPlayerQuit", getRootElement ( ), onPlayerQuit ) addEventHandler ( "onPlayerLogin", getRootElement ( ), onPlayerLogin) function ResetStats (player, command) local nick = getPlayerName(player) setElementData(player,"Points",0) outputChatBox("Player #FFFFFF" .. nick .. " #009BFFhas reseted all points!", getRootElement(), 0, 155, 255, true) end addCommandHandler("resetpoints", ResetStats) function BuyNos (player, command) if (getPlayerMoney(player) > 3000) then local auto = getPedOccupiedVehicle(player) local nick = getPlayerName(player) addVehicleUpgrade(auto,1010) setPlayerMoney(player, getPlayerMoney(player) - 3000 ) outputChatBox("Player #FFFFFF" .. nick .. " #009BFFbought for $3000 nitro! #FFFFFF(/nos)", getRootElement(), 0, 155, 255, true) else outputChatBox("Not enough money.", player, 0, 155, 255, true) end end addCommandHandler("nos", BuyNos) function BuyRepair (player, command) if (getPlayerMoney(player) > 10000) then local auto = getPedOccupiedVehicle(player) local nick = getPlayerName(player) fixVehicle(auto) setPlayerMoney(player, getPlayerMoney(player) - 10000 ) outputChatBox("Player #FFFFFF" .. nick .. " #009BFFbought for $10 000 repair! #FFFFFF(/fix)", getRootElement(), 0, 155, 255, true) else outputChatBox("Not enough money.", player, 0, 155, 255, true) end end addCommandHandler("fix", BuyRepair) function BuyFlip (player, command) if (getPlayerMoney(player) > 5000) then local auto = getPedOccupiedVehicle(player) local nick = getPlayerName(player) rx, ry, rz = getVehicleRotation (auto) setVehicleRotation (auto, rx +180, ry, rz +180) setPlayerMoney(player, getPlayerMoney(player) - 5000 ) outputChatBox("Player #FFFFFF" .. nick .. " #009BFFbought for $5000 flip! #FFFFFF(/flip)", getRootElement(), 0, 155, 255, true) else outputChatBox("Not enough money.", player, 0, 155, 255, true) end end addCommandHandler("flip", BuyFlip) addEventHandler ("onPlayerChat",getRootElement(), function(message,type) local nick = getPlayerName(source) if (string.find(message,"!points")) and not (string.find(message," !points")) then local playerpoints = getElementData(source,"Points") outputChatBox("" .. nick .. " #009BFFhas #FFFFFF" .. playerpoints .. "#009BFF points!", getRootElement(), 0, 155, 255, true) else if (string.find(message,"!cash")) and not (string.find(message," !cash")) then outputChatBox("" .. nick .. " #009BFFhas #FFFFFF" .. getPlayerMoney(source) .. "$#009BFF !", getRootElement(), 0, 155, 255, true) else if (string.find(message,"!playtime")) and not (string.find(message," !playtime")) then local playertime = getElementData(source,"Playtime") outputChatBox("" .. nick .. " #009BFFhas played for #FFFFFF" .. playertime .. "#009BFF minutes!", getRootElement(), 0, 155, 255, true) else if (string.find(message,"!wins")) and not (string.find(message," !wins")) then local playerwins = getElementData(source,"Wins") outputChatBox("" .. nick .. " #009BFFhas #FFFFFF" .. playerwins .. "#009BFF wins!", getRootElement(), 0, 155, 255, true) else if (string.find(message,"!deaths")) and not (string.find(message," !deaths")) then local playerdeaths = getElementData(source,"Deaths") outputChatBox("" .. nick .. " #009BFFhas #FFFFFF" .. playerdeaths .. "#009BFF deaths!", getRootElement(), 0, 155, 255, true) else if (string.find(message,"!hunters")) and not (string.find(message," !hunters")) then local playerhunters = getElementData(source,"Hunters") outputChatBox("" .. nick .. " #009BFFhas #FFFFFF" .. playerhunters .. "#009BFF hunters!", getRootElement(), 0, 155, 255, true) end end end end end end end) function updatePlayersStats ( ) for index, player in ipairs ( getElementsByType "player" ) do setElementData ( player, "Money", "$".. getPlayerMoney ( player ).." " ) end end setTimer ( updatePlayersStats, 5000, 0 ) function UpdateMinute ( ) for index, player in ipairs ( getElementsByType "player" ) do setElementData(player,"Playtime",tonumber(getElementData(player,"Playtime"))+1) end end setTimer ( UpdateMinute, 60000, 0 ) function checkForHunter(number,sort,model) thePlayer = source if sort == "vehiclechange" then if model == 425 then if getElementData(thePlayer,"playerGotHunter") == false then setElementData(thePlayer,"playerGotHunter",true) outputChatBox ( getPlayerName(source).." #009BFFhas gotten the hunter! +400 Points and $5000.", getRootElement(), 0, 155, 255, true ) setElementData(thePlayer,"Points",tonumber(getElementData(thePlayer,"Points"))+400) givePlayerMoney(thePlayer,5000) setElementData(thePlayer,"Hunters",tonumber(getElementData(thePlayer,"Hunters"))+1) setSkyGradient( 60, 100, 196, 136, 170, 212 ) setWaterColor ( 117, 71, 34, 255 ) end end end end addEventHandler("onPlayerPickUpRacePickup",getRootElement(),checkForHunter) function onPlayerDeadInRace() local thePlayer = source local dPlayers = getDeadRacePlayers() local aPlayers = getAliveRacePlayers() local Position = aPlayers + 1 local playeraccount = getPlayerAccount ( thePlayer ) if ( playeraccount ) and not isGuestAccount ( playeraccount ) then if dPlayers + aPlayers >= 2 then local cashForPlayer = math.floor((120/Position)*(dPlayers + aPlayers)) local pointsForPlayer = math.floor((30/Position)*(dPlayers + aPlayers)) givePlayerMoney(thePlayer,cashForPlayer) setElementData(thePlayer,"Points",tonumber(getElementData(thePlayer,"Points"))+pointsForPlayer) if Position == 1 then outputChatBox ("#FFFFFF".. getPlayerName(thePlayer) .." #009BFFis first! He wins #FFFFFF" .. pointsForPlayer .." #009BFFpoints and #FFFFFF" .. cashForPlayer .."$#009BFF!",gRoot,0,155,255,true) setElementData(thePlayer,"Wins",tonumber(getElementData(thePlayer,"Wins"))+1) if LastWinners[1] == "" then if LastWinners[2] == "" then if LastWinners[3] == "" then if LastWinners[4] == "" then if LastWinners[5] == "" then LastWinners[5] = thePlayer else LastWinners[4] = thePlayer end else LastWinners[3] = thePlayer end else LastWinners[2] = thePlayer end else LastWinners[1] = thePlayer end else LastWinners[5] = LastWinners[4] LastWinners[4] = LastWinners[3] LastWinners[3] = LastWinners[2] LastWinners[2] = LastWinners[1] LastWinners[1] = thePlayer end else outputChatBox ("You have recieved #FFFFFF" .. pointsForPlayer .." #009BFFpoints and #FFFFFF" .. cashForPlayer .."$#009BFF!",thePlayer,0,155,255,true) setElementData(thePlayer,"Deaths",tonumber(getElementData(thePlayer,"Deaths"))+1) end else outputChatBox("Min. 2 players to get stats and cash!",thePlayer,0,155,255,true) end else outputChatBox("Please login to obtain statistics",thePlayer,0,155,255,true) end end addEvent("onPlayerWasted", true) addEventHandler("onPlayerWasted", gRoot , onPlayerDeadInRace) function getAliveRacePlayers() local alivePlayers = 0 for index,player in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do if getElementData(player,"state") == "alive" then alivePlayers = alivePlayers + 1 end end return alivePlayers end function getDeadRacePlayers() local deadPlayers = 0 for index,player in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do if getElementData(player,"state") == "dead" then deadPlayers = deadPlayers + 1 end end return deadPlayers end Link to comment
Resto Posted March 23, 2014 Author Share Posted March 23, 2014 onPlayerChat event. I've never found .. Link to comment
MIKI785 Posted March 23, 2014 Share Posted March 23, 2014 Yet again.. this gorum is not for scripting requests.. this is for seeking help with your OWN scripts if theres some error or something.. btw. onPlayerChat Link to comment
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