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But it will be laggy. Any other way without xml or sql or mysql?

Dude, my lobby script load maps using XML functions and it doesn't lagg at all and about the gang thing, what do you use to save gang names, elementData or accountData ?

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You can save the groups, members, leaders and all that sort if things, but you cant save the memo? How come? Its pretty much the same thing... You probably have a table or something with the members of a given team, just insert your text there and retreive it whenever you need it.

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what is v == "Text" ? I will try it but it will take all info. I need for the one group only? Is account data possible for itt/

its the text you inserted. for example,

local myT = { } 
a = "Hello, MTA players" 
b = "Welcome to lua scripting" 
table.insert (myT, b) 
 table.insert (myT, a) 
-- loop 
local Cash = tonumber ( getElementData (localPlayer, "cash") ) -- you must use setElementData before this ^^ 
for k,v in ipairs (myT) do 
if v == "Hello, MTA players" and Cash > 50  then 
-- some code here 
elseif v == "Welcome to lua scripting" and Cash < 50 then 
-- some code here 

Well if you're doing this client side then use setElementData.

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There is.

local myTable =  
        [ "text" ] = "This is the first text.", 
    myTable.text2 = "And here comes the second one." 
outputChatBox( myTable [ "text" ] ) 
outputChatBox( myTable [ "text2" ] ) 

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