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isPlayerInVehicle PROBLEM


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Hi, i would like it if theAttacker is in team medic, then the other player's health will go up.

function healPlayerOnHit_Handler(theAttacker, theWeapon, theBodyPart, theLoss) 
    if(getElementType(theAttacker) == "player") then 
    if isPlayerInTeam(theAttacker,"Medic") then 
    if(theWeapon == 41) then 
            local targetCurrentHealth = getElementHealth(source) 
            local newHealth = targetCurrentHealth+25 -- Replace 5 with the amount the player should be healed. 
            setElementHealth(source, newHealth) 
            local randomCash = math.random ( 25, 50 ) 
addEventHandler("onPlayerDamage", getRootElement(), healPlayerOnHit_Handler) 

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That function is not existing as long as you didn't implement it.

function isPlayerInTeam( thePlayer, teamName ) 
    local pTeam = getPlayerTeam( thePlayer ) 
    local fTeam = getTeamFromName( teamName ) 
    if ( pTeam ) and ( fTeam ) then 
        if ( pTeam == fTeam ) then 
            return true  

You could also use getPlayerTeam and compare it to medic team.

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Please read wiki before you start using functions and events.

Wiki says:

It should be noted that this event is not triggered when attacked by a team member if friendly fire is enabled.

It should also be noted that canceling this event has no effect. Cancel the client-side event onClientPlayerDamage instead.

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Please read wiki before you start using functions and events.

Wiki says:

It should be noted that this event is not triggered when attacked by a team member if friendly fire is enabled.

It should also be noted that canceling this event has no effect. Cancel the client-side event onClientPlayerDamage instead.

._. Not everyone can be some 'experienced professional' at scripting, besides, I barely even script anyways, I usually play DM Racing and make maps

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Please read wiki before you start using functions and events.

Wiki says:

It should be noted that this event is not triggered when attacked by a team member if friendly fire is enabled.

It should also be noted that canceling this event has no effect. Cancel the client-side event onClientPlayerDamage instead.

._. Not everyone can be some 'experienced professional' at scripting, besides, I barely even script anyways, I usually play DM Racing and make maps

I never said that every one can be professional or experienced. Wiki provides you the most info that's why I suggested you to read wiki. Nothing is hard here, just remove source since we're defining it in event handler and

addEventHandler("onPlayerDamage", getRootElement(), healPlayerOnHit_Handler) 


addEventHandler("onClientPlayerDamage", getLocalPlayer(), healPlayerOnHit_Handler ) 

and about the health you asked, just use bonsai's code and add a new line

local targetCurrentHealth = getElementHealth()  
if not  == 100 then  

this script is client side.

Edited by Guest
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local targetCurrentHealth = getElementData ()  
if not  == 100 then  

You made a typo and better use >= just to be sure:

local targetCurrentHealth = getElementHealth ( localPlayer )  
if not targetCurrentHealth  >= 100 then 

EDIT: Forwarding typo fix by Saml1er in case of a copy-paster comming through + another one

Edited by Guest
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local targetCurrentHealth = getElementData ()  
if not  == 100 then  

You made a typo and better use >= just to be sure:

local targetCurrentHealth = getElementData ()  
if not targetCurrentHealth  >= 100 then 

I kinda thought of using it but since ped/player health is between 100 so I thought its not needed but anyway still using


is useful because more checks less chances for script to fail. :D

EDIT: The actual typo was "getElementData" because I wrote it instead of getElementHealth. Fixed it now. :shock:

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The script does not work in clientside . So i tried it in serverside and it still does not work, Well, it works, but when I added the code
if not targetCurrentHealth  >= 100 then 

then it stopped working

It doesn't works in clientside? What exactly doesn't work? and when you added the code then it worked but it stopped working? It worked and stopped working? How?

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The script does not work in clientside . So i tried it in serverside and it still does not work, Well, it works, but when I added the code
if not targetCurrentHealth  >= 100 then 

then it stopped working

It doesn't works in clientside? What exactly doesn't work? and when you added the code then it worked but it stopped working? It worked and stopped working? How?

the function healPlayerOnHit doesn't work in clientside, I have changed up the stuff like you told me and it doesn't work, and when i added this code to the function healPlayerOnHit, then the function stopped working properly

if not targetCurrentHealth  >= 100 then 

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The script does not work in clientside . So i tried it in serverside and it still does not work, Well, it works, but when I added the code
if not targetCurrentHealth  >= 100 then 

then it stopped working

It doesn't works in clientside? What exactly doesn't work? and when you added the code then it worked but it stopped working? It worked and stopped working? How?

the function healPlayerOnHit doesn't work in clientside, I have changed up the stuff like you told me and it doesn't work, and when i added this code to the function healPlayerOnHit, then the function stopped working properly

if not targetCurrentHealth  >= 100 then 

Post your script. :)

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Post your script
function healPlayerOnHit_Handler(theAttacker, theWeapon, theBodyPart, theLoss) 
    if(getElementType(theAttacker) == "player") then 
    if isPlayerInTeam(theAttacker,"Medic") then 
    if(theWeapon == 41) then 
            local targetCurrentHealth = getElementHealth ( source ) 
            local newHealth = targetCurrentHealth+25 
            setElementHealth(source, newHealth) 
            local randomCash = math.random ( 25, 50 ) 
addEventHandler("onPlayerDamage", getRootElement(), healPlayerOnHit_Handler ) 

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Client side.

function healPlayerOnHit_Handler (attacker, weapon, bodypart) 
    if(getElementType(attacker) == "player") and isPlayerInTeam(attacker,"Medic") then 
    if weapon == 41 then 
if not  targetCurrentHealth  >= 100 then 
            local targetCurrentHealth = getElementHealth (  ) 
            local newHealth = 100 - targetCurrentHealth  
            setElementHealth( newHealth) 
            local randomCash = math.random ( 25, 50 ) 
addEventHandler("onClientPlayerDamage", getLocalPlayer(), healPlayerOnHit_Handler ) 

Don't forget to modify your méta.xml.

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@Saml1er you forgot to put attacker (theAttacker isn't defined) in givePlayerMoney function. Also, the player element is missing at getElementHealth and setElementHealth. And is missing an 'end' to close the function.

And i don't think that will work, because of: local newHealth = 100 - targetCurrentHealth.

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Try this:


addEventHandler("onClientPlayerDamage", localPlayer, 
function (attacker, weapon, bodypart, loss) 
    local team = getPlayerTeam(attacker) 
    if not team then return end 
    if (attacker and getElementType(attacker) == "player" and weapon == 41 and getTeamName(team) == "Medic") then 
        if (not isTimer(pause)) then  
            local health = getElementHealth(localPlayer) 
            if (health < 99) then 
                triggerServerEvent("medic:healing", localPlayer, attacker) 
                pause = setTimer(function() end, 800, 1) 


addEventHandler("medic:healing", root,  
function (medic) 
    if (getElementHealth(source) < 100) then 
        local Heal = getElementHealth(source) + 11 -- New health 
        setElementHealth(source, Heal)  
        if (Heal > 100) then 
             setElementHealth(source, 100) 
        local money = math.random(25, 50) 
        givePlayerMoney(medic, money) 
        takePlayerMoney(source, money) 

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Try this:


addEventHandler("onClientPlayerDamage", localPlayer, 
function (attacker, weapon, bodypart, loss) 
    local team = getPlayerTeam(attacker) 
    if not team then return end 
    if (attacker and getElementType(attacker) == "player" and weapon == 41 and getTeamName(team) == "Medic") then 
        if (not isTimer(pause)) then  
            local health = getElementHealth(localPlayer) 
            if (health < 99) then 
                triggerServerEvent("medic:healing", localPlayer, attacker) 
                pause = setTimer(function() end, 800, 1) 


addEventHandler("medic:healing", root,  
function (medic) 
    if (getElementHealth(source) < 100) then 
        local Heal = getElementHealth(source) + 11 -- New health 
        setElementHealth(source, Heal)  
        if (Heal > 100) then 
             setElementHealth(source, 100) 
        local money = math.random(25, 50) 
        givePlayerMoney(medic, money) 
        takePlayerMoney(source, money) 

Works, thanks ! :) I had to add the event "medic:healing" to the serverside since you forgot to add it.

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You're welcome.
I had to add the event "medic:healing" to the serverside since you forgot to add it.

Yeah, my bad.

I have a question. When you define local Player as source in évent handler and when you use other functions inside it then Player élément has to defined again for other functions (like getElementHealth etc)? I'm asking this because I've never tested it in that way but I saw it on wiki several times. :P

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I have a question. When you define local Player as source in évent handler and when you use other functions inside it then Player élément has to defined again for other functions (like getElementHealth etc)? I'm asking this because I've never tested it in that way but I saw it on wiki several times. :P

Sorry, i didn't understand exactly what you mean.

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