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[SOLVED] Tiny problem


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So, I would like it, so if the player has joined the server and logged in for the first time, then he will be spawned at the position below

function assigntheteam () 
setPlayerTeam ( source, Unemployed ) 
spawnPlayer(source, 1643.40002, -2249.10009, 13.300, 178.0004, 0, 0, 0, Unemployed) 
fadeCamera(source, true) 
setCameraTarget(source, source) 
addEvent ( "IfNewPlayerJoin", true ) 
addEventHandler ( "IfNewPlayerJoin", getRootElement(), assigntheteam ) 

otherwise, if he has joined the server before. then, his 'Skin,Team,Money,Position' will save.

Edited by Guest
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You can use onPlayerLogin and accounts data for that. On login set an account data to identify whether he logged in before or not.

function onLogin(old, acc) 
 local firstTime = getAccountData(acc, 'firstTime') 
 if (not firstTime) then 
  --new player, spawn him 
  setAccountData(acc, 'firstTime', 'true') 

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You can use onPlayerLogin and accounts data for that. On login set an account data to identify whether he logged in before or not.
function onLogin(old, acc) 
 local firstTime = getAccountData(acc, 'firstTime') 
 if (not firstTime) then 
  --new player, spawn him 
  setAccountData(acc, 'firstTime', 'true') 

Full code please?

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You can use onPlayerLogin and accounts data for that. On login set an account data to identify whether he logged in before or not.
function onLogin(old, acc) 
 local firstTime = getAccountData(acc, 'firstTime') 
 if (not firstTime) then 
  --new player, spawn him 
  setAccountData(acc, 'firstTime', 'true') 

Full code please?

Just try, you are supposed to work for your server.

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Okay , so if the player is new, he will spawn at the XYZ position below. that works but the problem is, so what im trying to do below is when the player quits, i want it to get the player's last position, and when the player logs in again, he will spawn at the last position he was before he had quit the server.

function onPlayerQuit ( ) 
      local playeraccount = getPlayerAccount ( source, 'playerAcc' ) 
       if ( playeraccount ) and not isGuestAccount ( playeraccount ) then 
        local playerXYZ = getElementPosition ( source ) 
            setAccountData ( playeraccount, "playerPosition", playerXYZ ) 
addEventHandler ( "onPlayerQuit", getRootElement ( ), onPlayerQuit ) 
function onLogin (old, acc) 
local firstTime = getAccountData(acc, 'firstTime') 
 if (not firstTime) then 
    setPlayerTeam ( source, Unemployed ) 
    spawnPlayer(source, 1643.40002, -2249.10009, 13.300, 178.0004, 0, 0, 0, Unemployed) 
    fadeCamera(source, true) 
    setCameraTarget(source, source) 
    setAccountData(acc, 'firstTime', 'true') 
    if (playeraccount) then 
        if (firstTime) then 
        local playerXYZ = getAccountData ( playeraccount, "playerPosition" ) 
            if ( playerXYZ ) then 
            setElementPosition ( source, playerXYZ ) 
addEvent ( "IfNewPlayerJoin", true ) 
addEventHandler ( "IfNewPlayerJoin", getRootElement(), onLogin ) 
addEventHandler ( "onPlayerLogin", getRootElement ( ), onLogin ) 

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1# When you use else statement then you can't use if statement again unless you add an "end" statement.

2# its not playerXYZ but in fact its

local x,y,z = getElementPosition ( source ) 

3# How do you trigger "IfNewPlayerJoin" event? You must use triggerEvent if the player is new

4# This code is a mess, too many errors. I'm on mobile can't help you but I hope someone helps you to fix it.

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1# When you use else statement then you can't use if statement again unless you add an "end" statement.

2# its not playerXYZ but in fact its

local x,y,z = getElementPosition ( source ) 

3# How do you trigger "IfNewPlayerJoin" event? You must use triggerEvent if the player is new

4# This code is a mess, too many errors. I'm on mobile can't help you but I hope someone helps you to fix it.

Actually, this was just an example to show you guys what I wanted. but nvm, i fixed it, thanks though

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