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AFK system help

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Hey guys! I decided to make an AFK system which is put an image above your head if you not move for example 2 minutes. The problem is that I don't know how to start it and how to make a "3D" image above people's head. Maybe some chat icon system could help but I don't know how. So could anyone help me in this please? So a little picture above players head if they don't move or if they enable the main menu (press escape). I would be grateful if anyone could help me in this. Thank you!

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Use a timer (server-side) that loops threw the players every, ohh, let's say 10 seconds, and then it check their idle time (using getPlayerIdleTime), and if the idle time is bigger than like 2 minutes, it will insert the player to a table. Once all of the players have been looped threw, and checked if they're AFK then it will send a client event to all players, and then on the client side, you make a global variable, and using onClientRender, you use dxDrawImage, and getScreenFromWorldPosition. Sorry, it's kinda long and extensive, but it does make since. Just don't be shy on asking for help.;

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