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Can anyone give me an advice of how to make an ability to block a player, so he won't be able to send you a private message?

function privateMessage(thePlayer,commandName,sendToName,...) 
    local pmWords = { ... } 
    local pmMessage = table.concat( pmWords, " " ) 
    if sendToName then 
        if (getPlayerFromParticalName (sendToName)) then 
        toPlayer = (getPlayerFromParticalName (sendToName)) 
            if not (toPlayer == thePlayer) then 
                if not (pmMessage == "") then 
                    outputChatBox("#FFFFFF[PM] Message to #ff9900" .. getPlayerName(toPlayer) .. "#FFFFFF: " .. pmMessage, thePlayer, 255, 255, 255, true) 
                    outputChatBox("#FFFFFF[PM] Message from #ff9900" .. getPlayerName(thePlayer) .. "#FFFFFF: " .. pmMessage, toPlayer, 255, 255, 255, true) 
                    return false 
                return false 
            return false 
        return false 
addCommandHandler("pm", privateMessage) 

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I am trying to say that if he typed /ignore playerName then it will ignore him. If he sended him you can canel the event or return and output to who send to him.
It's not what I'm asking. I want to know how do I store the blocked players. I do not want to use account data.

Anubhav, please read what he's saying.

@Drakath: How bout tables ?

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Are you using MySQL or account data to store the datas? You can store the blocked people using their db id ( SQL ) or their serial, then all you need to is to check the serial / db id and let them send the PM if they are not blocked.

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Could store the blocked players in an XML file, which is stored within the resource folder client-side. Load it and store the names in a table client-side.

For efficiency you could have it only update when the player;

A) Blocks a new player.

B) Unblocks a player.

C) Resource is started.

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I had this idea in mind but I'm not sure how will I make the unblock function. And about the tables, I have the blocked players names stored in a table by using table.insert but how do I check if player who sent the pm is in the table?

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You need to loop through the table.

for _,v in ipairs(myTable) do  
if v == getPlayerName (toPlayer) then -- use getPlayerName (v) if you're storing him as a player 
break -- don't send him pm 
-- send the pm  

To unblock him

addCommandHandler ("unblock", 
function ( commandName,  sendToName) 
if sendToName then 
local toPlayer = (getPlayerFromParticalName (sendToName)) 
for _,v in ipairs(myTable) do  
if v == getPlayerName (toPlayer) then -- use getPlayerName (v) if you're storing him as a player 
 table.remove (myTable, v ) -- use getPlayerName (v) if you're storing him as a player 
end )  

Edited by Guest
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I had this idea in mind but I'm not sure how will I make the unblock function. And about the tables, I have the blocked players names stored in a table by using table.insert but how do I check if player who sent the pm is in the table?

Here is a generic function I just made. just give the table and the element you want to check if it's in that table:

-- /!\ doesn't work with nested tables /!\ -- 
function isElementInTable( table, elementToFind ) 
    for k, element in ipairs( table ) do 
        if element == elementToFind then 
            return true 
    return false 

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Saml1er, what if I block multiple players? I think your function will remove every blocked player and I want to remove only the player who is defined.

There's a check.

if v == getPlayerName (toPlayer) then 

This will remove the player specified in the command only.

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You need to specify the position in the table you want to remove for table.remove . Just do

myTable [ toPlayer ] = nil  

or you can remove it with a for loop:

for k, players in ipairs(myTable) do 
    if players == toPlayer then -- I don't know how are you saving it in the table, name or the element 
        table.remove(myTable, k) 

Edited by Guest
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function lolok(ply) 
    local playername = getPlayerName(ply) 
    for _,v in ipairs(blocked) do 
        if v == playername then  
    outputChatBox("Message sent",255,255,255,true) 
addEvent("xD", true) 
addEventHandler("xD", root, lolok) 

When player is blocked it outputs block as it should but if player is not blocked then nothing happens. Why?

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function lolok(ply) 
    local playername = getPlayerName(ply) 
    for _,v in ipairs(blocked) do 
        if v == playername then  
    outputChatBox("Message sent",255,255,255,true) 
addEvent("xD", true) 
addEventHandler("xD", root, lolok) 

When player is blocked it outputs block as it should but if player is not blocked then nothing happens. Why?

You're missing an "end". If you're saving the player's name in the table then it should definitely work.

function lolok(ply) 
    local playername = getPlayerName(ply) 
    for _,v in ipairs(blocked) do 
        if v == playername then  
    outputChatBox("Message sent",255,255,255,true) 
addEvent("xD", true) 
addEventHandler("xD", root, lolok) 

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I'm not missing any ends...

That's impossible. You must use an end when you use break anways you can do it without break ( just remove break from the code you posted just now ) well but I wanted to break the loop when we get the blocked player or send the pm btw did you test the code ? :wink:

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function lolok ( ply ) 
    local blocked = false 
    local playername = getPlayerName ( ply ) 
    for _, v in ipairs ( blocked ) do 
        if ( v == playername ) then 
            blocked = true 
    if ( not blocked ) then 
        outputChatBox ( "Message sent", 255, 255, 255, true ) 
addEvent ( "xD", true ) 
addEventHandler ( "xD", root, lolok ) 

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