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farm colshape.....


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local x1 = -1195 
local y1 = -1063.5 
local x2 = -1003.200012207 
local y2 = -1065.5999755859 
width, height = ( x2 - x1 ), ( y2 - y1 ) 
bigCol = createColRectangle(x1, y1, x2, y2, width, height) 
fappa = createBlipAttachedTo(bigCol, 55) 
function theThing (hitElement) 
   if hitElement == localPlayer then 
   outputChatBox("yeah! this is the col shape", thePlayer, 255, 2, 0, false) 
addEventHandler("onClientColShapeHit", bigCol, theThing) 

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Hahahahaha you might feel I am an idiot and cant make a simple col shape but look this....

I made it x1 and y1 and the col shape spawns like in 1 point

Maybe smaller than 1m (ingame)

guyz you know the big farm in mta? ----->-1195, -1063.5, 129.19999694824

can u make a colRectangle there? It should cover the whole farm

Please I need it

No, i know you can't do it.

And i just want to help you.

you could set yourself to developmode to see the colshape.

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local x1 = -1195 
local y1 = -1063.5 
local x2 = -1003.200012207 
local y2 = -1065.5999755859 
width, height = ( x2 - x1 ), ( y2 - y1 ) 
bigCol = createColRectangle(x1, y1, x2, y2, width, height) 
fappa = createBlipAttachedTo(bigCol, 55) 
function theThing (hitElement) 
   if hitElement == localPlayer then 
   outputChatBox("yeah! this is the col shape", thePlayer, 255, 2, 0, false) 
addEventHandler("onClientColShapeHit", bigCol, theThing) 

I know you already solved the problem but you both didn't what was the problem and here it is:

local y1 = -1063.5 
local y2 = -1065.5999755859 

As you can see, the y2 is too close from the y1 (only 2 meters, which is really small in GTA SA).

Your code would work if you had the right position for y2 (or maybe y1 ?).

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nah that worked citizen....

Problem was that the height was wrong cuz I took y2-y1 as height where the lines become collinear also proven that by the distance formula AB = root(y2-y1whole square + x2-x1whole square)

and y2-y1 aint the height as per mta sa axis

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nah that worked citizen....

Problem was that the height was wrong cuz I took y2-y1 as height where the lines become collinear also proven that by the distance formula AB = root(y2-y1whole square + x2-x1whole square)

and y2-y1 aint the height as per mta sa axis

I didn't get what you said, but what I tried to say is that your original code would work with these values:

local x1 = -1195 
local y1 = -1063.5 
local x2 = -1003.2 
local y2 = -1163.5 

Since it was a rectangle, there is nothing complicated, I dunno why you talked about a formula with roots in it.

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