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You could do it in quite a few ways, however this is the kind of direction I'd go with;

Use the event onClientKey to detect when the horn key is pressed. (You can also use getBoundKeys to retrieve all the keys bound to horn and store them in a table for better compatibility)

Then check if the player is in a vehicle, and if in a defined vehicle. You can define the IDs in whatever way you want - but I would recommend using a table.

Run a basic for check to see if the current vehicle model exists in the table - if it does, disable the horn using toggleControl. If it doesn't exist in the table - do nothing(Unless you want a different default horn).

Then you can use these to play the sound and attach it to the vehicle;

getElementPosition -- The vehicle's position, send this data to the server using triggerServerEvent. 
triggerServerEvent -- Trigger a server event which in return triggers an event for all clients, which 
triggerClientEvent -- Trigger a client-side event for all clients 
playSound3D  -- Play the sound at the vehicle's position 
attachElements -- Attach the sound to the vehicle. 

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