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ChatBox + Get local players


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Hello ,

First of all i got a lil problem with a new chatbox (top bar).

When u type 'T' after a time if u put so much words u got 2 lines.

Well if i put "too much" words its only in 1 line so it 'f*cks up'.

So i want it if i put (amount) of words that it goes to the second line if i reach it for example i say :


^ this stays on 1 line but i want it on 2 lines so it doesnt look f*cked up :



(for example)

Second ,

Whats the function to get the players who are inside a interior?

(edit they need to be in the team 'criminals' but i only want to take the players who are inside there)

Sorry for bad english

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For the first one, try this:

local MAX_CHAR_PER_LINE = 40 --define the max amount of letters per line 
function chatMessageSplitter(message, messageType, isMine) 
    -- we will only send normal chat messages, action and team types will be ignored 
    if messageType ~= 0 or not isMine then return end 
    cancelEvent() --block the default behavior of chat system 
    --doing our own below 
    local nbChars = string.len(message) 
    for k=1, nbChars, MAX_CHAR_PER_LINE do 
        local line = string.sub(message, k, k+MAX_CHAR_PER_LINE-1) 
        triggerEvent("onPlayerChat", source, message messageType, true) 
addEventHandler("onPlayerChat", root, chatMessageSplitter) 

Didn't tested yet, because I need to go out soon.

For the second question, what do you mean by interior ? Inside a building for example ? or the mta interior (in the code) ?

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Im trying to make an bankrob .

But i want it so whos robbing that they gain the money and not the others for example player 1 - player 10 is in bankrob robbing and player 11 isnt inside the bank so only player 1- player 10 should get money and not player11.

(if posible all the people who are in the team Criminals inside the bank gets the money)

second anyway to get the max amount working on topbarchat script on the communty?

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You can create a Col shape with radar if needed for a specific area and that area should be the bank and when a player hits that colshape then use setElementData ( hitElement, "PlayerinBank", true ) and then use another event oncolshapeleave ( or what ever it is ) and set the his element data to false and when you want to give money then get all players by

for i,v in pairs (getElementsByType("player") ) do  
if getElementData ( v, "PlayerinBank" ) == true then  
-- give him money  

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Thanks ,

I've got a other problem i guess ;

local ADMIN_GROUP = "Admin" 
        table = aclGroupListObjects(aclGetGroup(ADMIN_GROUP)) 
        count = 0 
        for objects,name in pairs(table)do 
            outputChatBox("ACL LIST: "..aclGroup.." #"..tostring(count).." Object: "..name..".",player) 
            count = count + 1 
        outputChatBox("Please add the aclGroup you want the list of.",player) 
        outputChatBox("Syntax: /aclObjectList aclGroup",player) 

(i want it so it only takes the ACL 'Admin' )

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addCommandHandler ( "aclObjectList", 
    function ( player ) 
        local ADMIN_GROUP = "Admin" 
        local objects = aclGroupListObjects ( aclGetGroup ( ADMIN_GROUP ) ) 
        local count = 0 
        for object, name in pairs ( objects ) do 
            outputChatBox ( "ACL LIST: ".. ADMIN_GROUP .." #".. tostring ( count ) .." Object: ".. name ..".", player ) 
            count = ( count + 1 ) 

Is that what you wanted?

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Yes is it posible to get only the user.(name)?

addCommandHandler ( "aclObjectList", 
    function ( player ) 
        local ADMIN_GROUP = "Admin" 
        local objects = aclGroupListObjects ( aclGetGroup ( ADMIN_GROUP ) ) 
        local count = 0 
        for object, name in pairs ( user. ) do 
            outputChatBox ( "ACL LIST: ".. ADMIN_GROUP .." #".. tostring ( count ) .." Object: ".. name ..".", player ) 
            count = ( count + 1 ) 

Is that what you wanted?

like this?

oh also how to get it in gridlist? (only need the functions and a example that i can script it by myself for putting it in gridlist)

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Hm u know whats wrong with this? i try to copy the message :

addCommandHandler ( "SAPDHQ", 
    function ( player ) 
local accName = getAccountName ( getPlayerAccount ( player ) ) -- get his account name 
     if isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..accName, aclGetGroup ( "Admin" ) ) then -- Does he have access to Admin functions? 
        local ADMIN_GROUP = "SAPD HQ" 
        local objects = aclGroupListObjects ( aclGetGroup ( ADMIN_GROUP ) ) 
        local count = 1 
        for object, name in pairs ( objects ) do 
            outputChatBox ( "Group List: ".. ADMIN_GROUP .." #".. tostring ( count ) .." Object: ".. name ..".", player ) 
            count = ( count + 1 ) 
            setClipboard("Group List:  .. ADMIN_GROUP .. #.. tostring ( count ) .. Object: .. name ..") 

with removing the check that hes in aclgroup (that only 'admin' can use it it still doesnt copy the text)

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Hm u know whats wrong with this? i try to copy the message :
addCommandHandler ( "SAPDHQ", 
    function ( player ) 
local accName = getAccountName ( getPlayerAccount ( player ) ) -- get his account name 
     if isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..accName, aclGetGroup ( "Admin" ) ) then -- Does he have access to Admin functions? 
        local ADMIN_GROUP = "SAPD HQ" 
        local objects = aclGroupListObjects ( aclGetGroup ( ADMIN_GROUP ) ) 
        local count = 1 
        for object, name in pairs ( objects ) do 
            outputChatBox ( "Group List: ".. ADMIN_GROUP .." #".. tostring ( count ) .." Object: ".. name ..".", player ) 
            count = ( count + 1 ) 
            setClipboard("Group List:  .. ADMIN_GROUP .. #.. tostring ( count ) .. Object: .. name ..") 

with removing the check that hes in aclgroup (that only 'admin' can use it it still doesnt copy the text)

setClipboard is client side function.

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Just add this line:

triggerClientEvent (player, "EventName",player ) 

or if you want to pass arguements

triggerClientEvent (player, "EventName",player, ADMIN_GROUP, name, tostring ( count ) )   

Client side

function greetingHandler ( ADMIN_GROUP, name,  count )   
    -- do your stuff 
addEvent( "EventName", true ) 
addEventHandler( "EventName", getRootElement(), greetingHandler ) 

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it might be difficult for you to make a big difficult and complicated bank rob so why don't you try some of the simple functions?

like --

local marker = createMarker(x, y, z, "cylinder", size, r, g, b, a) 
function bankMoney (hitElement) 
   if hitElement == localPlayer then 
      if isElementWithinMarker(hitElement) then -- checks if the player is within the marker so even if the function is in global the money goes to only the players who is within the marker......... 
      money functions  
addEventHandler("onClientMarkerHit", marker, bankMoney) 

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it might be difficult for you to make a big difficult and complicated bank rob so why don't you try some of the simple functions?

like --

local marker = createMarker(x, y, z, "cylinder", size, r, g, b, a) 
function bankMoney (hitElement) 
   if hitElement == localPlayer then 
      if isElementWithinMarker(hitElement) then -- checks if the player is within the marker so even if the function is in global the money goes to only the players who is within the marker......... 
      money functions  
addEventHandler("onClientMarkerHit", marker, bankMoney) 

this if statement:

if isElementWithinMarker(hitElement) then 

is totally useless for two reasons:

1 - this condition is wrong since this function takes 2 arguments (theElement, theMarker)

2 - It will always return true because you are checking if the element that entered into the marker is in the marker. Ofc he is in, he just entered in it.

I also wonder why do you want to do it on the client-side ?

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Just add this line:
triggerClientEvent (player, "EventName",player ) 

or if you want to pass arguements

triggerClientEvent (player, "EventName",player, ADMIN_GROUP, name, tostring ( count ) )   

Client side

function greetingHandler ( ADMIN_GROUP, name,  count )   
    -- do your stuff 
addEvent( "EventName", true ) 
addEventHandler( "EventName", getRootElement(), greetingHandler ) 

i meant how to get the message , so i should use "ADMIN_GROUP" "name" "count" ? or what u mean

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