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How to make a ped action(clientside) visible to everyone?


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hey, im back to the forums after a loooong time, and im making a resource with peds that drive, peds that shoot and etc,

problem 1 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

-but my problem is: because the functions are client side, everytime i make a function for a ped, only me, or only 1 other person can see the ped doing it, and that includes if the ped is shooting someone, i can see it shooting, but the target player dont, and dont take damage because of that.

- I already tryed making a server function that triggers all clients to execute the same ped function at the same time and still, it didnt work correctly

so, how to make everyone see the ped doing the clientside function that it is doing?


problem 2 (solved)-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

i found out other problem, if i order a ped to do something too far from me, it dont do, or it resume the list of what it was supposed to do on the step it was supposed to do, but without doing the first steps that where supposed to happen when i was far.


anyone knows how to fix both problems? thanks

Edited by Guest
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How do you trigger event from server side?

If you want to trigger it for everyone then

triggerClientEvent ( root, "eventName", root, arguements ) 

if you're not triggering from server side then use

addEventHandler ("onClientResourceStart", root, functionName) 

This will make it visible for everyone. If you still can't do it then please share your code here or if its really important to you then send it to me in pm so I can tell you what you're doing wrong.

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