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GTA process affinity



Hi. I have the following problem with setting process affinity:

Starting 'Multi Theft Auto.exe' there appear 'proxy_sa.exe' in my task manager (Win XP). This process starts on 2 cores, and changing it into 1 core doesn't take any effect due to unsufficient rights or something like this. (My proc - Pentium 4, 2 processors). I was trying to force it with many programs, but it's not working.

So then I wanna ask, if you did something with similar problem? Someone know how to run proxy_sa.exe with 1 processor of any more? Maybe there's some way to start it via bat file, like is likely to do starting gta.exe alone? But here is more complicated issue.

By the way, if someone would to know, and i know that someone would to, gta game ran on 2 processors (from mta) changes processors itself, after some time, and in procs like my, with one core, it dramatically slows down the game, because the core is then taken by other applications, e.g. system threats. So the only solution is to separate gta to 1 processor only.

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I've written above. Windows XP, built 2600. I try to change by many ways: in task manager, lasso processor app, by imagecfg.exe, but most promising way seems to be using bat file in similar way I start GTA alone.

Namely, I created fie: proxy_sa.bat in the same directory as proxy_sa.exe. File includes text:

/AFFINITY 0x1 proxy_sa.exe

and GTA starts with one processor, but this not happens with GTA launched by MTA. :(

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Thanks for the advice mate, but it didnt help. MTA diag checked it successfully. While MTA is working on 1 proc it's ok, but when system (during the game) decides to use another proc, the core time is dividing into (2) cores, and then something wrong follows (mainly, radical fps fall). So the problem lies in the core usage by processors. I don't know how it works, but when MTA is dividing, some other (system, etc.) applications take the core time and don't want to "give" it back, and only restarting the game clears up the situation.

In my opinion the problem lies in bad communication between Pentium 4 processors, or bad drivers, maybe graphics later in game uses the core time more than is likely to do on the beginning, or it's game optimalization issue. It seems to be more complicated, but one is clear - everything works fine on 1 processor. I checked it by switching off permanently one proc, but it can be change on Windows restart only and is so frustratring, because using 1 proc instead of 2 in off-game applications is not comfortable.

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  • MTA Team

Try this:

1) Find the Multi Theft Auto install directory

2) Add an empty file called 'dummy.asi' in the MTA sub directory

3) Start MTA

4) You should see a dialog warning about asi files

5) Set affinity of 'Multi Theft Auto.exe' to the first processor

6) Click 'OK' on the warning dialog

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You don't understand me. I can set affinity of 'Multi Theft Auto.exe'. However, this doesn't change anything. I cannot change affinity of the GTA process. In my process list it's named 'proxy_sa.exe', some time earlier it was 'gtasa.exe', but it doesn't matter about the name.

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  • MTA Team

Did it work? because it did here.

You can check by looking at the CPU usage graph in Windows Task Manager.

If it doesn't work, check that you are setting the affinity on Multi Theft Auto.exe while it is displaying the 'asi files' warning dialog. (If you set it after, the GTA process will not inherit the affinity setting.)

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Ok. I understood your approach. Everything seems promising, but while this warning dialog is displaying, there are no any gta exes in task manager and changing affinity of MTA.exe doesn't resolve my problem. After closing warning window gta exe appear, but, as you said, it's too late indeed.

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Ok. It's going in right direction. But still something is wrong.


Computer tries to stay with 1st proc, but when usage of MTA exceeds 50% it of course tries to use the second. But why does he use 2nd proc while 1st isn't used in 100% (like in image ~90%). Moreover, this peak on the right is strange, and in game there was 30 second pause, when I had 1 fps :o. Until this event playing was not bad, but this happens so often. It's something wrong in the processors communication by core or graphics in my opinion. Anyway, thanks for your advice, I'll still try to find more suitable solution.

Btw. Here is displayed 46% of total cpu usage, while it was 53% of total GTA usage, so this numbers are not so representative.

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Thanks. I don't know what to say. It seems to be working, but the graph looks the same. While changing affinity it tries to keep the process on selected proc, but the second one also works for the process. Maybe it's a bit better. I don't know. It's probably 1 core disadvantage. I'm stupid after this effort to optimalize my old computer. Anyway, thanks!

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