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Question about new Speed gamemode

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Who is in charge of making the Speed Gamemode? I would like to ask him/her some questions regarding the display of both the Timer and the Speed of the vehicle.

At the moment, i can only display the speed.

03C4: text_status( $TOYZ3, ::number0?::, "CARSPEE") \\ Vehicle Speed

I tired:

03C4: text_status( $TOYZ2, ::number0?::, "CARSPEE") \\ KMPH Vehicle Speed
03C4: text_status( $TOYZ3, ::number0?::, "CARSPEE") \\ MPH Vehicle Speed

But it just displays the first one. Any help with this would be appreciated.


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You really should be asking questions like this on gtaforums.com, but since you're the first, I'll help you out. It's real simple: the second line replaces the first one, because it's the last thing you tell the code. You can't have two numbers or bars on the text_status opcode, so you have to use the other text opcodes if you want two numbers appearing.

Please don't ask anymore questions for help with coding on this forum. Do it on gtaforums.com. Those people are really helpful.

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