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Search music by API ?


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You can always use dom readers with php to get the data from the website and then send it to the client's pc. I'm not so expierenced with php. Here's the code what I have used:

require "sdk/mta_sdk.php"; 
$input = mta::getInput(); 
$text = $input[0]; 
$search = $input[1]; 
function getdata($sex, $songField) 
$searchURL = "http://musicmp3.ru/search.html?text=" . rawurlencode($songField) . "&all=songs"; 
//$searchURL = "http://musicmp3.ru/search.html?text=angerfist&all=songs"; 
$html = file_get_contents($searchURL); 
$patternform = '/(<tbody.*<\/tbody>)/sm'; 
preg_match_all($patternform ,$html,$result); 
$DOM = new DOMDocument; 
$items = $DOM->getElementsByTagName('tr'); 
$xpath = new DOMXPath($DOM); 
$items = $xpath->query('//tr[@class]/td[@class]'); 
$counterDerp = 0; 
foreach ($items as $node) 
$kopnaam = $node->getAttribute('class'); 
    if ($kopnaam == "song__artist song__artist--search" ) { 
        $artistNaamReturn = $node->nodeValue; 
        $artistNaam = $artistNaamReturn; 
    if ($kopnaam == "song__name song__name--search" ) { 
        $songNaam = $node->nodeValue; 
    if ($kopnaam == "song__play_button" ) { 
        $streamKopUrl = $node->getElementsByTagName('a'); 
$counterDerp ++; 
        foreach ($streamKopUrl as $streamKop){ 
            $streamUrl = $streamKop->getAttribute('rel'); 
    if ((isset($songNaam)) and (is_string($songNaam)) and (isset($artistNaam)) and (is_string($artistNaam))) { 
        $returnsongArtist[$counterDerp] = $artistNaam; 
        $returnPath[$counterDerp] = $streamUrl; 
        $returnsongNaam[$counterDerp] = $songNaam; 
if ((isset($returnsongNaam[1]))){ 
mta::doReturn($returnPath,$returnsongNaam, $returnsongArtist, $sex, $songField); 
else { 
mta::doReturn("false","false", "false",$sex, $songField); 
getdata($text, $search); 

Now the problem was the streamUrl, I scripted this in 1 hour and then I didn't continued it because I had so many other things to do, but the problem was that if you are searching for let's say Ellie goudling, the wrong was song playing(You should look at their link generating)

I used it like this:


function result(value1, value2, value3, playerR, searched) 
if value1 ~= "ERROR" then 
triggerLatentClientEvent (playerR, "song:sendTable", 40000,false, playerR, value1, value2, value3 ) 
addEvent ( "search:database", true ) 
addEventHandler ( "search:database", root, function (player, song) 
callRemote ("", result, player, song) 


pathTable = {} 
list = {} 
listartist = {} 
function add(string, artiststring) 
    table.insert(list, string) 
    table.insert(listartist, artiststring) 
function addTable (value1, value2, value3) 
if value1 == "false" or value1 == nil then 
outputChatBox ( "No songs found derp!" ) 
pathTable = {} 
list = {} 
listartist = {} 
for k, v in pairs(value2) do 
pathTable [ v ] = value1[tostring(k)] 
add(v, value3[tostring(k)]) 
loading = false 
loadrot = 0 
addEvent ( "song:sendTable", true ) 
addEventHandler ( "song:sendTable", root, addTable ) 

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