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dxDrawLine buggy


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because it only works in 1280x1024 Resolution

1280x720 and the lines are wrong?

local bX, bY = guiGetScreenSize()  
local lineColor = tocolor(112, 203, 84) 
function drawLinesAcrossScreen() 
    dxDrawLine(bX-1540, bY-680, 60, 350, tocolor(112, 203, 84), 2) 
    dxDrawLine(bX-1520, bY-680, 80, 350, tocolor(112, 0, 84), 2) 
    dxDrawLine(bX-1518, bY-678, 58, 222, tocolor(112, 203, 84), 2) 
addEventHandler("onClientRender", root, drawLinesAcrossScreen) 

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I'm confused, why are you subtracting 1280 with 1540? That'll be a negative value...

Here's an example of how I make it look the same on all resolutions. Do note that there are more advanced techniques that may yield better results. 50p is probably the guy you'll want to talk with about that :P

dxDrawImage(screenX*(1007/1360), screenY*(5/768), screenX*(150/1360), screenY*(150/768), "Images/Profile.png", 0, 0, 0, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), true) 

1360 and 768 being the native resolution. That meaning, the resolution the GUI was designed on.

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