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Bug on server


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Hey all, recently im getting a bug on many but many maps

What is the bug ?

Many maps has a building like this photo: http://puu.sh/6A1RN.png

Really this bug is fixed for some hours if I restarted the server but I cant be restarting the server many times, my players get bored and gone to other server ...

These are my resources ON: http://puu.sh/6A24d.png incluide the votemanager

I wait your answer and help, thanks.

Edit: Sorry for script section, I didnt saw it.

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I don't see what's wrong, could you be a bit more specific? I'm not a DM player, so I'm not entirely sure as to what you're referring :P

I think everyone who play Skotinka - Party Rock see the block where he must take the Sadking

The problem is, on some maps, there are blocks where the people can go, these block shouldnt be here, but IDK what happen with this, and if someone tell me (Maybe the map has made like it) No, that block there isnt when I restart the server.

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