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SQLite Tables names


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I was just trying to create map name tables to save some map data.

But it doesn't work. The map names contain a lot of different symbols.

So I'm using double quotes around the tables name, but it still doesn't work.


mapname: race-portdog

executeSQLQuery('CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS " 'mapname' " ...

It's shown in the SQL Browser, but that + Symbol is missing and I can't insert any data.

I tried some random tables names like "bbbb" and it works fine.

Do I have to filter the names first?


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Show us how are you inserting the data.

executeSQLQuery('INSERT INTO " '..map..' " ...

That's working fine as long as I take only letters as table name.

I also tried "bb-bb" and it didn't work again.

So the problem is this "-", but shouldn't it still work with quotes?

EDIT: I think I got it! Brackets! "[bb-bb]" worked!


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Not working:

executeSQLQuery("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS '["..mapname.."]' (playerName TEXT, playerSerial TEXT, timeMS REAL, timeText TEXT, dataRecorded TEXT, extra TEXT)") 

executeSQLQuery("INSERT INTO '["..map.."]' (playerName, playerSerial, timeMS, timeText, dataRecorded, extra) VALUES(?,?,?,?,?,?)", playerName, playerSerial, timeMS, timeText, dataRecorded, extra ) 


executeSQLQuery("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS 'abc' (playerName TEXT, playerSerial TEXT, timeMS REAL, timeText TEXT, dataRecorded TEXT, extra TEXT)") 

executeSQLQuery("INSERT INTO 'abc' (playerName, playerSerial, timeMS, timeText, dataRecorded, extra) VALUES(?,?,?,?,?,?)", playerName, playerSerial, timeMS, timeText, dataRecorded, extra ) 

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executeSQLQuery ( "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `?` ( playerName TEXT, playerSerial TEXT, timeMS REAL, timeText TEXT, dataRecorded TEXT, extra TEXT )", mapname ) 


executeSQLQuery ( "INSERT INTO `?` ( `playerName`, `playerSerial`, `timeMS`, `timeText`, `dataRecorded`, `extra` ) VALUES ( ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ? )",  map, playerName, playerSerial, timeMS, timeText, dataRecorded, extra ) 

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It would be better to add a field named "map" to the players table.

executeSQLQuery("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS 'players' (playerName TEXT, playerSerial TEXT, timeMS REAL, timeText TEXT, dataRecorded TEXT, extra TEXT, map TEXT)") 
executeSQLQuery("INSERT INTO 'players' (playerName, playerSerial, timeMS, timeText, dataRecorded, extra, map) VALUES(?,?,?,?,?,?,?)", playerName, playerSerial, timeMS, timeText, dataRecorded, extra, map) 

Having tables for each map would be a bit bad.

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