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I'm working at a base system , but i wanna crate when extample FsN have Area 51 , the radar area of Area 51 get color of FsN gang then the FsN gang spawn in area 51 , after extample WANTEDS buy the Area 51 and the Area 51 radar area get the WANTEDS color and WANTEDS gang spawn in Area 51 , can someone help me

radararea2 = createRadarArea( 110.91990, 1800.89435, 200, 145, 255, 255, 255, 225 ) 
createBlip(279.40317, 1831.25439, 7.72656,62) 
marker2 = createMarker(298.98865, 1815.90613, 3.71094,"cylinder",2,0,0,255,255)   
addCommandHandler ( "comprar51", 
function ( player ) 
    local playerTeam = getPlayerTeam ( player ) 
    if ( playerTeam ) then 
        local r, g, b = getTeamColor ( playerTeam ) 
        if(isElementWithinMarker(player,marker2)) then 
            setRadarAreaColor ( radararea2, r, g, b, 155 ) 
            local money = getPlayerMoney ( player ) 
            if ( money >= 1000000 ) then 
                takePlayerMoney ( player, 1000000 ) 
                local color = getTeamColor ( playerTeam ) 
                outputChatBox ( "#FFF000 [bASE] #FF0000 Sua gang comprou a base #00FF00 Area 51!", player, 0, 0, 0, true ) 
addEventHandler("onMarkerHit", marker2, 
function (player) 
    outputChatBox ( "#FFF000 [bASE] #FF0000 Para comprar a base digita #00FF00 /comprar51 (1000000$)", player, 0, 0, 0, true) 

My friend said me i need add something like this , but i no have idea how this should work

function getSpawnPoint(player) 
 local x, y, z 
 if(getElementData(player, "isInGang")) then 
  x, y, z = getBaseSpawnpoint(player) 
  if(not x or not y or not z) then 
   x, y, z = getGangZoneSpawnpoint(player) 
   if(not x or not y or not z) then 
    x, y, z = getRandomSpawnPoint(player) 
 return x, y, z 

Or maybe something like this :

radararea = createRadarArea( 110.91990, 1800.89435, 200, 145, 255, 255, 255, 225 ) 
function onSpawn ( player ) 
playerTeam = getPlayerTeam ( player ) 
if ( playerTeam ) then 
local r, g, b = getTeamColor ( playerTeam ) 
if getRadarAreaColor ( radararea ) == r, g, b then 
setElementPosition ( player, 298.98865, 1815.90613, 3.71094 ) 
addEventHandler ( "onPlayerSpawn", player, onSpawn ) 

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  • Moderators
local mySpawnTable = { 
{0,0,0}, -- fill in pls..... 
{0,0,0}, --<-- 
{0,0,0} -- <-- 
function makePlayerSpawn (player) 
local spawnPoint = mySpawnTable[math.random(#mySpawnTable)] -- random spawnpoint 

You can decide when he should spawn, that is up to you.

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I no understand much about table , realy nothing..

Area 51 Spawnpoint 1 > 331.06286621094, 1855.9083251953, 7.828125 
Area 51 Spawnpoint 2 > 216.45199584961, 1822.6893310547, 6.4140625 
Area 51 Spawnpoint 3 > 211.66558837891, 1810.6231689453, 21.8671875 
Normall Spawnpoint 1 > 2171.90625, 1392.59765625, 10.8203125 
Normall Spawnpoint 2 > 2265.3674316406, 2398.3068847656, 10.8203125 
Normall Spawnpoint 3 > 2361.689453125, 2070.2077636719, 10.671875 

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local mySpawnTable = { 
{331.06286621094, 1855.9083251953, 7.828125}, -- fill in pls..... 
{216.45199584961, 1822.6893310547, 6.4140625}, --<-- 
{211.66558837891, 1810.6231689453, 21.8671875} -- <-- 

Seriously was that so hard? By just filling it in.....

If you don't understand it, then you know how to solve that problem.

And it starts with: L . . R . . NG

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I'm learning i do my beast but some things i no understand , you are scripter much years , me only 1 mounth .

And now i have the table but how i can set when player have area 51 then he spawn there..

with this ?

function getSpawnPoint(player) 
 local x, y, z 
 if(getElementData(player, "isInGang")) then 
  x, y, z = getBaseSpawnpoint(player) 
  if(not x or not y or not z) then 
   x, y, z = getGangZoneSpawnpoint(player) 
   if(not x or not y or not z) then 
    x, y, z = getRandomSpawnPoint(player) 
 return x, y, z 

or this

radararea = createRadarArea( 110.91990, 1800.89435, 200, 145, 255, 255, 255, 225 ) 
function onSpawn ( player ) 
playerTeam = getPlayerTeam ( player ) 
if ( playerTeam ) then 
local r, g, b = getTeamColor ( playerTeam ) 
if getRadarAreaColor ( radararea ) == r, g, b then 
setElementPosition ( player, 298.98865, 1815.90613, 3.71094 ) 
addEventHandler ( "onPlayerSpawn", player, onSpawn ) 


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I crated a base system with 10 other bases , i seen in 1 server when some team buy a base then they spawn there , their scripter given me the frist code . If the radar area have color of the player gang then that gang spawn there.

my base system :

radararea2 = createRadarArea( 110.91990, 1800.89435, 200, 145, 255, 255, 255, 225 ) 
createBlip(279.40317, 1831.25439, 7.72656,62) 
marker2 = createMarker(298.98865, 1815.90613, 3.71094,"cylinder",2,0,0,255,255)   
addCommandHandler ( "comprar51", 
function ( player ) 
    local playerTeam = getPlayerTeam ( player ) 
    if ( playerTeam ) then 
        local r, g, b = getTeamColor ( playerTeam ) 
        if(isElementWithinMarker(player,marker2)) then 
            setRadarAreaColor ( radararea2, r, g, b, 155 ) 
            local money = getPlayerMoney ( player ) 
            if ( money >= 1000000 ) then 
                takePlayerMoney ( player, 1000000 ) 
                local color = getTeamColor ( playerTeam ) 
                outputChatBox ( "#FFF000 [bASE] #FF0000 Sua gang comprou a base #00FF00 Area 51!", player, 0, 0, 0, true ) 
addEventHandler("onMarkerHit", marker2, 
function (player) 
    outputChatBox ( "#FFF000 [bASE] #FF0000 Para comprar a base digita #00FF00 /comprar51 (1000000$)", player, 0, 0, 0, true) 

A little photo , look the radar area , it have color of players gang :) and the gang members spawn in their radar area (base)


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Sorry, but you first need to learn the basic from lua. This isn't worth my time by writing all sample codes, when you can't learn anything from that because you don't know the laughing.

Try to make simple things, like wiki mta samples. I will recommend you to leave this project until you are ready for it.

and don't tell me you are, because we both know that isn't true.

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  • Moderators
Ok , ok.... thanks for your ''help''

As far as I know, I helped you with a piece of code, I showed you were to start with scripting and I was the only person that was trying to help you.

And still with disrespect?

Pathetic little kid that you are.

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Ok , ok.... thanks for your ''help''

As far as I know, I helped you with a piece of code, I showed you were to start with scripting and I was the only person that was trying to help you.

And still with disrespect?

Pathetic little kid that you are.

No need to get all angry... He just has decided, he wants people to do the work for him.

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  • MTA Team

Please do respect one another, everybody was new sometime and maybe wanted the things done for them and actually he did help you so it's a bit harsh to quote "help".

@EufraT i do advise you to follow the tutorials on scripting before you try something complex and know that usually no one will do the scripts for you unless you pay them.

This is a scripting-help forum where you can get help on some error or that type of problem, the users above helped you out with a code using tables as a base.

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