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Hello, i'm starting up XML to save radios within a player's serial.

and i'm kinda trapped.. cant make it work.. i get errors all the way down.

if xmlLoadFile("Radios.xml") then 
xmlCreateFile("Radios.xml", "Players") 
function asd() 
local serial = ""..getPlayerSerial(getLocalPlayer()).."" 
local radios = xmlLoadFile("Radios.xml") 
if not xmlFindChild(radios, serial, 0) then 
serialPlayer = xmlCreateChild(radios, serial) 
if not xmlFindChild(serialPlayer, "Stations", 0) then 
stations = xmlCreateChild(serialPlayer, "Stations") 
if not xmlNodeGetChildren("Stations") then 
station = xmlCreateChild("Stations", "0") 
xmlNodeSetAttribute("0", "Name", text) 
xmlNodeSetAttribute("0", "Link", text2) 
local node = xmlNodeGetChildren(stations) 
local node2 = #node 
local node3 = node2 + 1  
local stationQuantity = ""..node3.."" 
station = xmlCreateChild("Stations", stationQuantity) 
xmlNodeSetAttribute(station, "Name", text) 
xmlNodeSetAttribute(station, "Link", text2) 

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Nope , it depends on where your xml functions are located in

for example

if you locate this xml code in server-side file ( let's say server.lua )

it will save the xml file in the resource directory ( near by server.lua )

and the same way goes for client-side script

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Nope , it depends on where your xml functions are located in

for example

if you locate this xml code in server-side file ( let's say server.lua )

it will save the xml file in the resource directory ( near by server.lua )

and the same way goes for client-side script

Yes, but if i'm saving it and loading it client-side it should be able to be loaded by the client.

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Either way works, it's but a matter of personal preference.

It would be of great help if you post all the errors and/or warnings you're getting. Rather than having us guess what errors you're getting...

Errors on all the lines with any XML functions..

only the creating lines are okay.

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Errors on all the lines with any XML functions..

only the creating lines are okay.

The number of errors are not interesting, the errors themselves are.

How do you expect us to help you when you don't provide us with the errors you're getting? It's not like we're gonna sit here and guess what's wrong and why.

Posting the errors would speed up the process tremendously. :roll:

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