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I've made gui windows in my server...and i got a problem with "Resolution"...because the Resoltion which i use it:1280 x 720:

so the others don't see the guis with the correct Resolution..it makes problems on my server..:/

so there's someway to make the Resolution of Guis Automatic? or even when the player join set his Resolution to 1280 x 720? Please help guys.


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I want this to Defin automatic...because if i Define then the window will work with one Resoultion..or what?

-- define the X and Y positions of the window 
    local X = 0.375 
    local Y = 0.375 
    -- define the width and height of the window 
    local Width = 0.25 
    local Height = 0.25 

And Actually still don't understand ..because that gui you gave me learns to make a gui to make login panel..i want a script to make the resolution automatic work fine.

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Let me quote from the Wiki page that you said you read.

Relative and Absolute

Note that the final argument passed to guiCreateWindow in the above example is true. This indicates that the coordinates and dimensions of the window are relative, meaning they are a percentage of the total screen size. This means that if the far left side of the screen is 0, and the far right is 1, an X position of 0.5 would represent the centre point of the screen. Similarly, if the top of the screen is 0 and the bottom is 1, a Y position of 0.2 would be 20% of the way down the screen. The same principles apply to both Width and Height as well (with a Width value of 0.5 meaning the window will be half as wide as the screen).

The alternative to using relative values is using absolute (by passing false instead of true to guiCreateWindow). Absolute values are calculated as the total number of pixels from the top-left corner of the parent (if no gui element parent is specified, the parent is the screen itself). If we assume a screen resolution of 1920x1200, the far left side of the screen being 0 pixels and the far right being 1920 pixels, an X position of 960 will represent the centre point of the screen. Similarly, if the top of the screen is 0 pixels and the bottom is 1200, a Y position of 20 would be 20 pixels down from the top of the screen. The same principles apply to both Width and Height as well (with a Width value of 50 meaning the window will be 50 pixels wide). You can use guiGetScreenSize and a little maths to calculate certain absolute positions.

The differences between using relative and absolute values is quite simple; gui created using absolute values will always remain exactly the same pixel size and position, while gui created using relative values will always be a percentage of its parent's size.

Absolute is generally easier to maintain when editing code by hand, however your choice of type depends on the situation you are using it for.

For the purposes of this introduction we will be using relative values.

@Wassim: If he has a GUI window with 1900x1200 as its resolution and someone with 800x600 joins the game, he's unable to see half of the whole GUI window. What I propose is use relative positioning and scaling so none of this is an issue.

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