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65k object "limit"


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I was searching for topics here that deal with the object limit and all of them say there is a theoretical limit of 65k, but limit means you can only have up to 65k objects in your stream range (within 200m around you or w/e) or 65k is the total amount of objects in all the server, regardless if they are in/out of player's streaming? What happen if this 65k limit is surpassed? Ppl would stop seeing objects far away or the server would stop reading past object #65000 ???

edit: or is this limit by dimension (example: if u have 80k objects, 40k in one dimension and 40k in another??)

also, the reason for worrying with >65k is because of repeated sets of objects, which makes surpassing such a limit quite easy, say for example u add a system where players can rent a race track of their own after choosing from a model. if there are 100 tracks rented that have 650 objects each u get right to the limit...

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I'm fairly sure the 65k object limit is in total amount - whether rendered on-screen simultaneously or not. I'd go ahead and take a guess that there's an even lower limit for how many can be rendered on-screen at once.

Since I've seen objects not being rendered despite being very close to them, and that was definitely not even remotely close to 65k.

Someone with more knowledge would have to confirm it :)

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