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Problem with an exported function


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Hello, I wounder if anyone know what the message in debug means/want to tell me. I don´t understand what I am doing wrong.

I am using a topchat script and want to trigger that from another script.

I am supposed to trigger this in another script:

outputTopChat("Respawning ALL empty vehicles In 25 Seconds", 255, 255, 255)

How I added it in another script:

exports["topchat"]:outputTopChat("Respawning ALL empty vehicles In 25 Seconds", 255, 255, 255)

What it tells me in debug:

ERROR: call:failed to call"topchat:outputTopChat"[string"?"]

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  • Discord Moderators

In case you haven't, you might want to read about "call" on the wiki.

Your syntax is correct, but you need to make sure that "outputTopChat" is exported in the resource meta.xml

The error basically means that it can't find the exported function.

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To make this easier, you can add this to the top;

local topchat = exports.topchat; 

After that, you can just call a function out of there like this:

topchat:outputTopChat("respawning all empty vehicles in 25 seconds", 255, 255, 255); 

This gives you the advantage to rename your project / resource and you just have to replace line 1, instead of line 1, 5, 10, 31, etc. :) But make sure that your resource name doesn't contain any slashes, stripes or what ever. If it does, you've to change the first line to;

local topchat = exports["Top-chat"]; 

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Oh, I read on wiki but I missed that I had to export the function from meta. So I should add this right?:

If you're creating the function client-side, then yes, you should use that. If you're making it server-side, then you should switch to "server" instead, or in case both, then "shared".

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Oh, I read on wiki but I missed that I had to export the function from meta. So I should add this right?:

If you're creating the function client-side, then yes, you should use that. If you're making it server-side, then you should switch to "server" instead, or in case both, then "shared".

Okay :) yes ofc i know that i should switch depended on client/server.

It still don´t work... :/

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    type="script" description="Topchat" version="1.0" /> 


function respawn() 
local accountname = getAccountName (getPlayerAccount(source)) 
if isObjectInACLGroup ( "user." .. accountname, aclGetGroup ( "HeadAdmin" ) ) then 
exports["topchat"]:outputTopChat("Respawning ALL empty vehicles In 25 Seconds", 255, 255, 255) 
setTimer(function () 
local vehicles = getElementsByType ( "vehicle" )  
for k, vehicle in ipairs ( vehicles ) do 
if checkEmpty( vehicle ) then 
local seats = getVehicleMaxPassengers(vehicle) 
resetVehicleIdleTime ( vehicle )  
respawnVehicle ( vehicle ) 
end, 25000, 1) 
addEvent( "respawn", true ) 
addEventHandler( "respawn", getRootElement(), respawn ) 

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No just remove that line from your meta.xml:

<export function="outputTopChat" type="client"/> 

This line must only be in the meta of the resource that provides that function.

The second thing you must do is to start the resource that contains that fonction in order to be called.

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No just remove that line from your meta.xml:
<export function="outputTopChat" type="client"/> 

This line must only be in the meta of the resource that provides that function.

The second thing you must do is to start the resource that contains that fonction in order to be called.

I am using meta in topchat resource and server.lua in another resource, both are running.

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