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Friend and foe


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What if you had a status bar above the players with a bar that shows how hostile they have been to you / you have been to them. Green for friend and red for enemy, and the degrees inbetween.

If you shot a person he get redder, if he shoots you you get redder. If you gives him a ride he gets greener, if youre close without fighting he gets greener.

This could be a client matter based on nick, and mabye stored localy inbetween games. Since there are a lot of people playing it could be fun to see if a person has been very hostile against you, and who it would be fun to team up with.

You should also be able to add persons to a friend and enemy list manualy, since there is always someone who will always be a friend no matter how many times he shoots you. (Gangs and real life friends).

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  • 4 weeks later...

it would be cool if there were checkboxes next to each player's name in the mta client, and checking the box next to someones name made their nametag in game change from white text to blue or red or something plainly visible at a distance. i have shot at friends plenty of times because they were too far away to read their names.

this could also be used to target someone you hate. :twisted:

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