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HTML question.


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Hy. There is the "webadmin" resource. Now i wanna make something like that but i wanna a different address for the page and not the server ip:port.

Mainly i wanna only data's from the server , somebody access the webpage and then there will be a list with the online player's and some account data for each online player. So i need only to send data from server->php when the php ask it.

Now is there any way to change the ip:port URL to a custom one ? Or not , if there is no way then i was thinking to make 2 php scripts one hosted as resource on the server , and one on my page , and then when somebody access the page the php will call the php from the server , that php getting all the info from the server and sending it back to the php hosted on the web page. Would this work ?

I am not to "pro" on php/html :(


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