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MTA map editor


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  jonas13362 said:
still need help + i got another question

Is it posible to place a car locked to certain users?

+ is it posible to have a resource that does a command every 15 minutes or so?

I don't know about your map editor and for your excess questions:

1) Yes it is, add a check to see which player is "trying" to enter the vehicle using the event:


for example:

function myFunc() 
     if (not getElementData(source, "Occupation") == "Criminal") then 
          outputChatBox("You cannot enter this vehicle, unless you're a criminal", source, 255, 0, 0) 
addEventHandler("onVehicleStartEnter", root, myFunc) 

2) Using setTimer, yes you can.

setTimer(thingyouwanttocallhere, 900000, howmanytimesyouwanttocallit) 

-- if 1000 = 1 second then 1000*60=1minute, ans*15=15 mins.

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  jonas13362 said:
Thank you , i will test it out now.

Edit : i tried it and im getting an error : Warning loading script failed (the respawnscript) : unexpected symbol near ','

I defined "plr" and re-wrote the check to see if the player is not a criminal to be able to enter any vehicle. You can simply change the occupation or change the check, here:

function myFunc(plr) 
     if (getElementData(plr, "Occupation") == "Criminal") then 
          outputChatBox("You cannot enter this vehicle as a criminal", plr, 255, 0, 0) 
addEventHandler("onVehicleStartEnter", root, myFunc) 

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  jonas13362 said:
I was talking about the 'set timer' thingy.

Anyways about the lock function , doesnt there need to be a car in it?

Unless you want to define it, such as: local vehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle(localPlayer), then: if (vehicle == "vehicleModel") then. Else this function goes to every single vehicle.

For setTimer it should look like this: setTimer(function, 90000, 1)

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  jonas13362 said:
  Ab-47 said:
  jonas13362 said:
Getting another error : '(' expected near ','

Can you please show me the script you're trying to make, where the actual expected bad argument is, thanks.

I will send u the script in pm.

Thats why lol, you were meant to call the function by it's name, replacing "function" in "setTimer(function, 90000, 1)"

What do you want to call? If the respawn script, use

setTimer(respawn, 90000, 1) 

or if it's the check empty function you want to call then:

setTimer(checkEmpty, 90000, 1) 

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Thats why lol, you were meant to call the function by it's name, replacing "function" in "setTimer(function, 90000, 1)"

What do you want to call? If the respawn script, use

setTimer(respawn, 90000, 1) 

or if it's the check empty function you want to call then:

setTimer(checkEmpty, 90000, 1) 

another error : unexpected symbol near ','

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will send tommorow the script here ,

EDIT : its fixed. I rewrite it and now it worked.

All things working , expect locks didnt rlly get it. (maybe i gonna donate for this)

Map Editor doesnt work still. Havent had any responds on it.

So this topic CAN be closed.

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First of, it's not 'your' thread you don't decide on it to be closed or not. You're a topic starter. It's better to leave it open if people have similar questions in the future they can find their answers in this topic and reply on it if necessary.

Second, I have a mapping server of my own. What exactly is the error you are getting? Try to delete the editor_dump and editor_test folders in this directory: MTASA\server\mods\deathmatch\resources. Then restart the server or write in the console without the quotation marks: "refresh" and press enter, then write "restart editor" press enter, if it's still bugging try "restart server" again.

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