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Net work Issues

Guest lightseeker101

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I believe the team shouldn't be puting the eforts into game modes, or other "fun" things for this mod right now. Obviously the huge problem with mta right now is the network. No mater how low your ping is every one looks like there lagging with a 999 ping, even when fighting you can shoot off all your ammo and this guuy who is being hit every time and he is shooting but missing you. Basically hes shooting at you on his computer but not on your own, same goes with him. The only way to start geting the person killed is too move and start shooting again. So before the mod really works on other gamplay modes, they should work on the network system.

thanks for reading

-light-Seeker :D:D:D

(p.s great mod btw guys, tons of fun ! :D )

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