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Hi there,

I wanted to know, how to access to a table value when I'm already on that table.

Like this:

myTable = { 
a = {test = "ok"}, 
b = {test = myTable.a.test} 

As you can see, the myTable.b is trying to access to myTable.a but he can't access to this because it's on the same var.

How can I do that? If it's possible?

Thanks for any help.

Regards, FatalTerror.

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myTable = { 
    a = {test = "ok"} 
myTable.b = {} 
myTable.b.test = myTable.a.test 

no it isn't, cause you can't index something that hasn't been created yet.

myTable = { 
-- not yet created 
} -- created 

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It doesn't work because the table isn't loaded yet.

Tested it serveral times and this will output "okay" after that i realised that the table isn't loaded yet

derptest = "okey" 
myTable = { 
a = {test = "okTESTA"}, 
b = {test = derptest} 
addCommandHandler ( "derp", function () 
outputChatBox ( myTable.b.test ) 

edit: as IIYAMA says (really can't typ that name).

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Yes but personaly, I really don't want to write an entire file with this method.

Sure that my way isn't possible?

Well loop's are a solution. If not a txt generator made in (c/c++) is an another option (if you don't wanna use the loop's on every resource start.)

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