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Projectile filter.


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Is there any way to filter the normal rocket (lunched by hunter in DM map) from Heat Seeking rocket (created by my script).

I know one way would be to add my rocket's to a table wen i create them , but it's not the best way , bk i would need to send it to the server , proccess them , and send the tabel back to all client's. It would be horible to send one table from each client, then each client would get 24 table on every Frame......

getElementsByType("Projectile") - would return both type's after that is there any way to filter them ??


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bk i would need to send it to the server , proccess them , and send the tabel back to all client's.

Change them to strings, it is the only way to secure their passages.

I am not sure if you create a projectile and the projectile that I see on my screen contains the same userdata.

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