SuleymanM Posted July 7, 2013 Share Posted July 7, 2013 Hi all, Today , i download this : ... post147988 Is : After put lobby and resources in my sv , i give admin rights... After i open server ... and restart lobby.... and: I wait 20 mins and nothing happened -- Console : [2013-07-07 15:02:31] Resources: 1204 loaded, 0 failed[2013-07-07 15:02:32] Querying master server... failed! (302: Moved temporarily) [2013-07-07 15:02:32] Querying backup master server... success! [2013-07-07 15:02:33] Starting resources... [2013-07-07 15:02:34] Server minclientversion is now 1.3.0-9.03772 [2013-07-07 15:02:35] ERROR: Couldn't find resource joinquit. Check it exists. [2013-07-07 15:02:36] WARNING: join\infobox_s.lua:2: Bad argument @ 'addEventHandler' [Expected function at argument 3, got nil] [2013-07-07 15:02:36] ERROR: Couldn't find resource lagreduce. Check it exists. [2013-07-07 15:02:36] ERROR: Couldn't find resource new. Check it exists. [2013-07-07 15:02:39] INFO: Successfully created a table. [2013-07-07 15:02:41] Server minclientversion is now 1.3.0-9.04134 [2013-07-07 15:02:41] Creating new DB table huntertimes [2013-07-07 15:02:42] WARNING: lobby/server.lua(Line 1948) [server] isPlayerDead is deprecated and may not work in future versions. Please replace with isPedDead before Tuesday. [2013-07-07 15:02:42] Some files in 'lobby' use deprecated functions. [2013-07-07 15:02:42] Use the 'upgrade' command to perform a basic upgrade of resources. [2013-07-07 15:02:42] ERROR: [gamemodes]\lobby\server.lua:114: bad argument #2 to 'random' (interval is empty) [2013-07-07 15:02:42] Server started and is ready to accept connections! [2013-07-07 15:02:42] To stop the server, type 'shutdown' or press Ctrl-C [2013-07-07 15:02:42] Type 'help' for a list of commands. [2013-07-07 15:03:38] CONNECT: -spr-#3300FFSuleyman connected (IP: Serial: DB4EF5E2B7A8633C5EB738AD56CA35A3 Version: 1.3.3-9.05588.0) [2013-07-07 15:03:42] JOIN: -spr-#3300FFSuleyman joined the game (IP: [2013-07-07 15:03:52] INFO: Updating rank for: -spr-Suleyman [2013-07-07 15:03:52] LOGIN: (Console, Admin, Everyone) -spr-#3300FFSuleyman successfully logged in as '[sPR]#FF0000Suleyman' (IP: Serial: DB4EF5E2B7A8633C5EB738AD56CA35A3) [2013-07-07 15:03:53] ERROR: Client triggered serverside event onClientReady2, but event is not added serverside [2013-07-07 15:06:17] stop: Requested by -spr-#3300FFSuleyman([sPR]#FF0000Suleyman) [2013-07-07 15:06:17] Stopping rules [2013-07-07 15:06:21] restart: Requested by -spr-#3300FFSuleyman([sPR]#FF0000Suleyman) [2013-07-07 15:06:21] Stopping lobby [2013-07-07 15:06:23] Starting lobby [2013-07-07 15:06:23] ERROR: [gamemodes]\lobby\server.lua:114: bad argument #2 to 'random' (interval is empty) [2013-07-07 15:06:23] Gamemode 'Race: Training' started. [2013-07-07 15:06:23] lobby restarted successfully [2013-07-07 15:06:29] ERROR: Client triggered serverside event onClientReady2, but event is not added serverside [2013-07-07 15:07:40] INFO: Updating rank for all player [2013-07-07 15:11:23] Stopping lobby [2013-07-07 15:11:24] Starting lobby [2013-07-07 15:11:24] ERROR: [gamemodes]\lobby\server.lua:114: bad argument #2 to 'random' (interval is empty) [2013-07-07 15:11:24] Gamemode 'Race: Training' started. [2013-07-07 15:11:24] start: Resource 'lobby' started [2013-07-07 15:11:28] ERROR: Client triggered serverside event onClientReady2, but event is not added serverside --- server.lua setGameType("Gamemode") for k,v in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do setElementData(v,"Map",nil); setElementData(v,"MapID",nil); setElementData(v,"room",nil); if getElementData(v,"spamBlock") then killTimer(getElementData(v,"spamBlock")) setElementData(v,"spamBlock",nil) end setElementData(v,"spamBlock",nil); setElementData(v,"ttimeleft",nil); killPed(v); end local function msToTimeStr(ms) local centiseconds = tostring(math.floor(math.fmod(ms,1000)/10)) if #centiseconds == 1 then centiseconds = '0' .. centiseconds end local s = math.floor(ms/1000) local seconds = tostring(math.fmod(s,60)) if #seconds == 1 then seconds = '0'..seconds end local minutes = tostring(math.floor(s/60)) return minutes .. ':' .. seconds .. ':' .. centiseconds end local DL = {}; local DL2 = {}; local DL3 = {}; local dlpos = 1; local dlpos2 = 1; local dlpos3 = 1; local g_HunterMap = {}; local g_MapsHunter = {}; local hmt = false; local dmt = false; local mmt = false; local omt = false; local g_Maps = {}; local g_MapsDD = {}; local g_MapsOS = {}; local g_DMMap = {}; local g_DDMap = {}; local g_OSMap = {}; local DMState = "nomap"; local DDState = "nomap"; local OSState = "nomap"; local DMCheck = 0; local DDCheck = 0; local OSCheck = 0; local MapTags = {"/eas/","/nor/","/har/","/spe/","/slo/","/old/","/new/","/rec/"}; for k,v in ipairs(getResources()) do if (getResourceInfo(v,"type") == "map") and (getResourceInfo(v,"gamemodes") == "race") and getResourceInfo(v,"name") then local name = getResourceInfo(v,"name") if name then if name:find("[DM]",1,true) then g_Maps[#g_Maps+1] = {getResourceName(v),name,0} if name:find("/old/",1,true) then g_MapsOS[#g_MapsOS+1] = {getResourceName(v),name,0} end elseif name:find("[Hunter]",1,true) then g_MapsHunter[#g_MapsHunter+1] = {getResourceName(v),name,0} elseif name:find("[DD]",1,true) then g_MapsDD[#g_MapsDD+1] = {getResourceName(v),name,0} end end end end local function generateMap(MapID,arg2) if (arg2 == 2) and (getElementData(source,"spamBlock")) then local r = getTimerDetails(getElementData(source,"spamBlock")); outputChatBox("*PM: Please wait "..math.floor(r/1000).." seconds before you can load new map!",source,200,0,0) return; elseif (arg2 == 2) then setElementData(source,"spamBlock",setTimer(setElementData,30000,1,source,"spamBlock",nil)) end local mapName = false local resName = false if (arg2 == 2) then mapName = g_Maps[MapID][2] resName = g_Maps[MapID][1] local oMapID = getElementData(source,"MapID") local room = getElementData(source,"room") if oMapID then for k,v in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do if v ~= source then local room2 = getElementData(v,"room"); if getElementData(v,"MapID") == oMapID and room == room2 then local txt = getPlayerName(source).."#ffffff has left this map." triggerClientEvent(v,"onClientNotice",v,0,txt,false) end end end g_Maps[oMapID][3] = g_Maps[oMapID][3] - 1 end setElementData(source,"MapID",MapID) g_Maps[MapID][3] = g_Maps[MapID][3] + 1 --//Let everyone know i joined this map. for k,v in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do if v ~= source then local room2 = getElementData(v,"room"); if getElementData(v,"Map") == mapName and room == room2 then local txt = getPlayerName(source).."#ffffff has joined this map." triggerClientEvent(v,"onClientNotice",v,0,txt,false) end end end elseif (arg2 == 1) then MapID = math.random(1,#g_MapsHunter); mapName = g_MapsHunter[MapID][2] resName = g_MapsHunter[MapID][1] elseif (arg2 == 4) then MapID = math.random(1,#g_Maps); mapName = g_Maps[MapID][2] resName = g_Maps[MapID][1] elseif (arg2 == 5) then MapID = math.random(1,#g_MapsDD); mapName = g_MapsDD[MapID][2] resName = g_MapsDD[MapID][1] elseif (arg2 == 6) then MapID = math.random(1,#g_MapsOS); mapName = g_MapsOS[MapID][2] resName = g_MapsOS[MapID][1] end local mapName2 = mapName for k,v in ipairs(MapTags) do mapName2 = string.gsub(mapName2,v,"") end --//Now actually loading the map. local mapMeta = xmlLoadFile(":"..resName.."/meta.xml") if mapMeta then local mapChild = xmlFindChild(mapMeta,"map",0) local mapPath = xmlNodeGetAttributes(mapChild) local mapFile = xmlLoadFile(":"..resName.."/"..mapPath["src"]) if mapFile then local tempTable = {} local fileTable = {} local fileSize = 0 local spawnTable = {} local scripts = xmlNodeGetChildren(mapMeta) for i, node in ipairs(scripts) do local type = xmlNodeGetName(node) if type == "script" then local info = xmlNodeGetAttributes(node) if info["type"] and info["type"] == "client" then local hFile = fileOpen(":"..resName.."/"["src"],true) if hFile then local size = fileGetSize(hFile) tempTable[#tempTable+1] = {type,fileRead(hFile, size)} fileClose(hFile) end end elseif type == "file" then local info = xmlNodeGetAttributes(node) if info["src"] then --if not string.find(info["src"],".mp3",1) and not string.find(info["src"],".ogg",1) then fileTable[#fileTable+1] = info["src"] local hFile = fileOpen(":"..resName.."/"["src"],true) fileSize = fileSize + fileGetSize(hFile) fileClose(hFile) --end end end end local mapStuff = xmlNodeGetChildren(mapFile) for i,node in ipairs(mapStuff) do local type = xmlNodeGetName(node) local attrs = xmlNodeGetAttributes ( node ) local et = {} local st = {} if type == "object" then local collisions = true; local alpha = 255; local interior = 0; local scale = 1; if (attrs["interior"]) then interior = attrs["interior"]; end if (attrs["collisions"]) then collisions = attrs["collisions"]; end if (attrs["alpha"]) then alpha = attrs["alpha"]; end if (attrs["MSTalpha"]) then alpha = attrs["MSTalpha"]; end if (attrs["scale"]) then scale = attrs["scale"]; end et = {type,attrs["model"],attrs["posX"],attrs["posY"],attrs["posZ"],attrs["rotX"],attrs["rotY"],attrs["rotZ"],interior,collisions,alpha,scale} elseif type == "marker" then et = {type,attrs["posX"],attrs["posY"],attrs["posZ"],attrs["type"],attrs["size"],attrs["color"],attrs["interior"],attrs["id"]} elseif type == "vehicle" then et = {type,attrs["model"],attrs["posX"],attrs["posY"],attrs["posZ"],attrs["rotX"],attrs["rotY"],attrs["rotZ"]} elseif type == "racepickup" then et = {type,attrs["type"],attrs["vehicle"],attrs["posX"],attrs["posY"],attrs["posZ"],attrs["rotX"],attrs["rotY"],attrs["rotZ"]} elseif type == "spawnpoint" then et = {type,attrs["vehicle"],attrs["posX"],attrs["posY"],attrs["posZ"],attrs["rotX"],attrs["rotY"],attrs["rotZ"]} end tempTable[#tempTable+1] = et end local realtime = tonumber(string.sub(get("#"..resName..".time"),1,2)) or 0; local weather = tonumber(get("#"..resName..".weather")) or 0; if (arg2 == 2) then setElementData(source,"Map",mapName2) triggerLatentClientEvent(source,"onServerSendMapTable",200000,false,source,tempTable,realtime,weather,resName,fileTable,fileSize); elseif (arg2 == 1) then g_HunterMap = {tempTable,realtime,weather,resName,fileTable,fileSize,mapName2}; for k,v in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do local room = getElementData(v,"room"); if room and (room == 1) then setElementData(v,"Map",mapName2) triggerLatentClientEvent(v,"onServerSendMapTable",200000,false,v,g_HunterMap[1],g_HunterMap[2],g_HunterMap[3],g_HunterMap[4],g_HunterMap[5],g_HunterMap[6]); end end elseif (arg2 == 4) then g_DMMap = {tempTable,realtime,weather,resName,fileTable,fileSize,mapName2}; for k,v in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do local room = getElementData(v,"room"); if room and (room == 4) then setElementData(v,"Map",mapName2) setElementData(v,"Ready",false) setElementData(v,"State","Loading") triggerLatentClientEvent(v,"onServerSendMapTable",200000,false,v,g_DMMap[1],g_DMMap[2],g_DMMap[3],g_DMMap[4],g_DMMap[5],g_DMMap[6]); end end DMState = "waiting"; elseif (arg2 == 5) then g_DDMap = {tempTable,realtime,weather,resName,fileTable,fileSize,mapName2}; local id = 1; for k,v in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do local room = getElementData(v,"room"); if room and (room == 5) then setElementData(v,"Map",mapName2) setElementData(v,"Ready",false) setElementData(v,"State","Loading") triggerLatentClientEvent(v,"onServerSendMapTable",200000,false,v,g_DDMap[1],g_DDMap[2],g_DDMap[3],g_DDMap[4],g_DDMap[5],g_DDMap[6],id); id = id + 1; end end DDState = Link to comment
Cadu12 Posted July 8, 2013 Share Posted July 8, 2013 Why should we fix your script with 2800+ lines? That topic is NOT helpful. And i'm sure you didn't made of them. Link to comment
arezu Posted July 8, 2013 Share Posted July 8, 2013 Dont expect help when you got stolen script. Link to comment
SuleymanM Posted July 8, 2013 Author Share Posted July 8, 2013 i need help for this resource. No everyone know ... Link to comment
Castillo Posted July 8, 2013 Share Posted July 8, 2013 We don't give support with leaked/stolen scripts. Topic locked. Link to comment
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