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Exercises, tutorials

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For short: there should be some tutorials and exercises for scripters, mostly because a lot of newbies are asking "stupid" questions constantly and repetitively. It's not their fault that they don't know how to spawn a car every x minute or how to set up y resource, no one taught them properly and not everyone has the ambition to keep practicing and studying and practicing.

So: some pros should make tutorials about interesting problems (not the basics or functions, but whole problems, like: how to make a 3d text or how to make a king of the hill gamemode) and there should be exercises where there is a goal, like: make a script that enables a car to fly; and than people try to reach the goal and when they have the finished code, they put it up to the exercise's topic with some demo vid or description and comment lines that explain the complex things and people could just correct the errors or praise the best entries, everyone wins

ps.: this model works well for example: blendercookie.com, that's where the idea comes from

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If they have the ambition, they will learn. We have a tutorial forum so that should be more than enough. Once again it's a matter of having someone readily available to edit the site, make the tutorials, all these things that either no one wants or cares to do, and if they do, they lack the time.

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