-.Paradox.- Posted June 9, 2013 Share Posted June 9, 2013 Hello, I'm new here and my name is Steven, i need a resource can save player skin and stats when he die or login. Thanks, Bye. Link to comment
iPrestege Posted June 9, 2013 Share Posted June 9, 2013 Wrong section search here : https://community.multitheftauto.com/. Link to comment
-.Paradox.- Posted June 9, 2013 Author Share Posted June 9, 2013 Please help me i searched there Link to comment
Jaysds1 Posted June 9, 2013 Share Posted June 9, 2013 You could learn lua, as I don't know any resources on the community site with those features. Link to comment
Alan.Alexander Posted June 10, 2013 Share Posted June 10, 2013 function saveData(p) if not source and p then source = p; end local a = getPlayerAccount(source); if a then if not isGuestAccount(a) then setAccountData(a, "user.money", getPlayerMoney(source)); setAccountData(a, "user.skin", getPedSkin(source)); setAccountData(a, "user.health", getElementHealth(source)); setAccountData(a, "user.armor", getPedArmor(source)); local x,y,z = getElementPosition(source); setAccountData(a, "user.pos", toJSON({x,y,z,getElementInterior(source),getElementDimension(source)})); local rx, ry, rz = getElementRotation(source); setAccountData(a, "user.rot", toJSON({rx,ry,rz})); local stats = {}; for i=69,79 do stats[i] = getPedStat(source,i); end setAccountData(a, 'user.stats', toJSON(stats)); end end end addEventHandler("onPlayerQuit",getRootElement(),saveData) addEventHandler("onPlayerLogout",getRootElement(),saveData) addEventHandler("onPlayerWasted",getRootElement(),saveData) function playerLogin (thePreviousAccount, theCurrentAccount, autoLogin) local a = getPlayerAccount(source); if not isGuestAccount(a) then local pos = fromJSON(getAccountData(theCurrentAccount,"user.pos")) or {}; if pos[1] and pos[2] and pos[3] then local money = getAccountData(theCurrentAccount,"user.money"); local health = getAccountData(theCurrentAccount,"user.health"); local armor = getAccountData(theCurrentAccount,"user.armor"); local skin = getAccountData(theCurrentAccount,"user.skin"); local rx,ry,rz = fromJSON(getAccountData(theCurrentAccount,"user.rot")); if not rx then rx = 0; end; if not ry then ry = 0; end; if not rz then rz = 0; end; local stats = fromJSON(getAccountData(theCurrentAccount,"user.stats")); spawnPlayer(source,pos[1],pos[2],pos[3],0,skin,pos[4],pos[5]); --setElementRotation(source,tonumber(rx),tonumber(ry),tonumber(rz)); setElementRotation(source,0,0,0); setElementHealth(source,health); setPedArmor(source,armor); setPlayerMoney(source,money); setElementFrozen(source,false); setElementAlpha(source,255) for i=69,79 do setPedStat(source,i,tonumber(stats[tostring(i)])); end else FirstTimePlaying(); end setCameraTarget(source,source); fadeCamera(source,true,2); end end addEventHandler ("onPlayerLogin", getRootElement(), playerLogin) function FirstTimePlaying() local PedSkins = {26,29,27,33,34,32,45,46,61,59,60,68,73,78,79,93,100,105,106,107,101,102,103,104,108,109,110,114,115,116,117,118,120,121,122,127,133,152,157,154,161,163,165,170,176,177,179,181,191,192,204,206,217,227,246,247,248,250,254,264}; spawnPlayer(source, 1608, 1830, 10.8, 0, math.random(1,#PedSkins), 0, 0); setPlayerMoney(source,2500); giveWeapon(source,math.random(22,23),250); giveWeapon(source,25,25); end function saveWeaponData(p) if not source and p then source = p; end local a = getPlayerAccount(source); if not isGuestAccount(a) then for i=0,11 do setAccountData(a, "weapon."..i,toJSON({getPedWeapon(source,i),getPedTotalAmmo(source,i)})); end end end addEventHandler("onPlayerQuit",getRootElement(),saveWeaponData) addEventHandler("onPlayerWasted",getRootElement(),saveWeaponData) addEventHandler("onPlayerLogout",getRootElement(),saveWeaponData) function loadWeaponData(p) if not source and p then source = p; end local a = getPlayerAccount(source); if not isGuestAccount(a) then for i=0,11 do local w = fromJSON(getAccountData(a, "weapon."..i, getPedWeapon(source,i))); giveWeapon(source,w[1],w[2]); end end end addEventHandler("onPlayerSpawn",getRootElement(),loadWeaponData) function onPickupHit(p) local t = getPickupType(source); if t ~= 0 then return; end if getElementHealth(p) > 99 then cancelEvent() end end addEventHandler("onPickupHit",getRootElement(),onPickupHit); hospitalSpawnPoints = {} --hospitalSpawnPoints[0] = {x,y,z,r,name,city,lx,ly,lz} hospitalSpawnPoints[1] = {1177,-1322,14.5,270,"All Saints General Hospital","LS",1215,-1320,30,1175,-1340,13}; createPickup(1178,-1317,14,0,20,15000); hospitalSpawnPoints[2] = {1245,331,20,340,"Crippen Memorial Hospital","LS",1240,360,35,1245,331,18}; createPickup(1252,329,20,0,20,15000); hospitalSpawnPoints[3] = {-315,1055,20,0,"Fort Carson Medical Center","LV",-300,1085,40,-315,1055,18}; createPickup(-312,1052,20.5,0,20,15000); hospitalSpawnPoints[4] = {1610,1825,11,0,"Las Venturas Hospital","LV",1632,1855,25,1610,1825,10}; createPickup(1600,1820,11,0,20,15000); hospitalSpawnPoints[5] = {-2660,635,15,180,"San Fierro Medical Center","SF",-2631,585,30,-2660,635,14}; createPickup(-2667,636,14.5,0,20,15000); hospitalSpawnPoints[6] = {2033,-1415,17.5,120,"County General Hospital","LS",2007,-1450,35,2033,-1415,16}; createPickup(2030,-1405,17.5,0,20,15000); hospitalSpawnPoints[7] = {-1515,2530,56,0,"El Quebrados Medical Center","LV",-1535,2560,70,-1515,2530,55}; createPickup(-1520,2520,56,0,20,15000); hospitalSpawnPoints[8] = {-2195,-2305,31,325,"Angel Pine Medical Center","SF",-2190,-2280,46,-2195,-2305,30}; createPickup(-2190,-2300,30.5,0,20,15000); for key, val in pairs (hospitalSpawnPoints) do createBlip (val[1], val[2], val[3], 22, 2, 255, 0, 0, 255, 0, 200) end function onWasted() if not isGuestAccount(getPlayerAccount(source)) then local xx, yy, zz = getElementPosition(source); local zone = getElementZoneName(source,true); local r = math.random(1,100); local hos = {}; if r > 0 and r < 751 then local min_distance = 99999999; for key, val in pairs (hospitalSpawnPoints) do local dist = getDistanceBetweenPoints3D(val[1], val[2], val[3],xx,yy,zz); if (dist) then min_distance = dist; hos = val; end end elseif r >750 and r < 951 then local z = 'LS'; if zone == "San Fierro" then z = 'SF' elseif zone == 'Las Venturas' then z = 'LV'; end local hoss = {}; for key, val in pairs (hospitalSpawnPoints) do if val[6] == z then hoss[(#hoss + 1)] = val; end end hos = hoss[math.random(1,#hoss)]; else hos = hospitalSpawnPoints[math.random(1,#hospitalSpawnPoints)]; end rand1 = (math.random(0,300)-150)/100; rand2 = (math.random(0,300)-150)/100; outputChatBox("You have died!!",source,255,64,0); outputChatBox("You will respawn at "..hos[5]..".",source,64,255,0); setTimer(spawnPlayer, 15000, 1, source, hos[1]+rand1, hos[2]+rand2, hos[3], hos[4], getPedSkin (source), 0, 0 ); setTimer(setCameraTarget, 15000, 1, source, source); setTimer(fadeCamera, 2000, 1, source, false,2); setTimer(setCameraMatrix,4000,1,source,hos[7],hos[8],hos[9],hos[10],hos[11],hos[12]); setTimer(fadeCamera, 4000, 1, source, true); end end addEventHandler ("onPlayerWasted", getRootElement(), onWasted) First script is a player save script, second is a respawn, enjoy. 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